Weekly Update

MathStatistics.  Children will be introduced to the idea of probability.  We will use words like certain, impossible, likely and unlikely to describe a possible outcome.Literacy Reading.  Radical Readers and Word Munchers will be focusing on fluency and reading with expression as they work on a play to perform to the class.  Bookworms will be developing their ability to think critically when comprehending text.  Writing.  All Children should now be able to access our Grade 3 Writers Blog.  The focus is on writing creatively.Science Inquiry – children will be investigating the different properties of soil.  They will also learn how pollution can affect plants and animals.Bible – This week we focus on the third commandment, keeping the sabbath day holy.  Our memory verse is Exodus 20:8Monthly Manner focus – Each month Grade 3 will be focusing on developing certain manners.  In September we focused on using polite/kind words, specifically “thank you, please, excuse me and your welcome”.  This month we are focusing on table manners at lunchtime and snack time.  We are focusing on eating with our mouth closed, cleaning up after ourselves and talking kindly with each other at the table.  Grade 3 would love to have a shared lunch with our parents at the end of this month in order to display our good table manners and enjoy each others company.  The 21st October is being looked at for a possible date.  Invitations will be sent out shortly to confirm the time and date.