Weekly Update

Inquiry – Children will present their Inquiry PowerPoint presentations on an aspect of Cayman.  Parents are warmly welcome to this presentation held from 12:30 – 1:30pm on Wednesday, 26 January in the Grade 3 classroom.Math – This week we focus on Algebra.  Children will be learning to identify and continue a number pattern.  They will identify a rule for a continuing number pattern and be able to complete a function table.  A mini Algebra test will be given at the end of this week during our Friday morning Math session.Literacy – Radical Readers and Word Sleuths will be developing reading with expression and fluency.  They are practicing and will then present a short play to the class on Friday.  Bookworms have started working on their Classics study.  They have each chosen a Classic book to read and then complete a variety of Reading activities to extend their comprehension and higher order thinking.  All students have also been asked to read a Classic book and then share this book with the class.  This whole class mini oral book report will be presented early in the third grading period.  Extra details about this assignment will be sent out later next week.Bible – We look at the second petition in the Lord’s prayer, “thy kingdom come.”  Our whole school memory verse is Philippians 2:10