Practice for TerraNova tests

Dear Parents.TerraNova testing (standardized tests) will commence April 30th, 2012.  To help children prepare for this testing situation, I am sending a practice English and Math test home with each child over the Easter Break.  These practice booklets are due back in class on Monday, 16th of April.  Extra reinforcement or quiz/test practice can also be done on Mathletics, Spellodrome, or for some fun Bible quizzes. I know Easter break is also a time to relax and enjoy a break from school.  So I recommend spending at least a small portion of the day, perhaps about 20minutes for at least the first week, on these activities.  That will leave plenty of time to play!  But I leave it up to you how you wish to administer these assignments for your child.Enjoy the break!Jenny Hurst