Homework 16 – 20 September

Monday –  Spelling.  Focus is on -ing and -ed suffixes.   Spelling Workbook p6-8.  Due Thursday.

TuesdayMath. Focus is on rounding numbers to the tens and hundreds.  Math Homework Book p8.

WednesdayScience.  Focus in on using the reading comprehension skill “Finding the Main Idea and Details” to know what animals need to live.  Science Reading Support and Homework 17-18.

ThursdayGrammar.  Focus is on identifying commands and exclamations.  Complete p7-8 of the Houghton Mifflin English Workbook.    Children are to complete the Writing Application on p8 in their Writing books.

Luke B.  is our news reporter for September 23rd.


Bible Memory Verse, “O Lord, God of Israel, there is no God like you in heaven above or on earth below – you who keep your covenant of love with your servants who continue whole heartedly in your way.” 1 Kings 8:23

Children will receive one sticker for the bold part and two stickers for memorizing the entire verse.