Updates for the week of February 10, 2020.

Hello Parents and students,

Good to see that there were three out of the twenty students in grade 3 who actually read the blog and gave me the answers to the question. I will try again and see if the numbers increase. The secret words for this week are “Rube Goldberg”.

Last week we worked at developing skills in multiplication and division. We are finished with the unit and the formative assessments showed that the students grasped most concepts taught but were still having some difficulty with word problems and some division questions. There will be a summative test on Thursday 20 Feb. The students will also be assessed on the project they are working on in class, which is to design a game that uses the concepts we learnt in class. I have given them the instructions and rubric and they are working in pairs or by themselves to create the game. I am guiding them to some extent but I really want them to show me what they have learnt in another way besides using the traditional paper and pencil tests.

In science the students are almost finished with their science stations on simple machines and they will be given a formative test on simple machines. On Friday they will start working on building a playground model to show at least three simple machines at work in the playground. If you have any extra straws, please send to school with your child. I will provide the rest of the materials.

Please remember to have your child learn their time tables and bible verses. Thank you for the little Valentine treats that you sent to school for the students and their teachers. Have a blessed week and do enjoy your mid term break. I will not have any post up next week, so do not be alarmed.

Mrs. Seerattan