Homework 3 – 7 February

Monday – Spelling.  Prefixes.  Workbook p60-62

Tuesday – Math.  Divide by 3 and 4. See your child’s agenda for the workbook pages to be completed.

Wednesday – Make any final changes to their Adventure Story.  This includes having a title page with an exciting title, good size and font and a picture that matches the title.  They also need to have a border around the front cover as well as the authors name at the bottom of the title page.  Students also need a dedication page where they write who their book is dedicated too.  Final proof reading changes should be made.  They will read their story to a student in Grade 2 on Friday.  The final piece of writing will be graded.

Thursday – Ensure all comprehension questions for  the 13 chapters of The Boxcar Children have been completed.  Some unfinished project work may also need to be done.  Please check your child’s Agenda for specific information.

Homework 28-31 January

Tuesday – Study for Science Test tomorrow.   Complete review and test preparation for Chapter 8 textbook p361.  Children may also start on their Spelling Homework, workbook p51-53.  Spelling work is due Thursday.

WednesdayMath.  Dividing by 2.  Page 48 from the Math workbook.

Thursday – Complete reading chapter 10 and 11 of The Boxcar Children and answer the comprehension questions.  Most of this should have been completed in class today.

Please bring a USB pen to school for Friday.  Children will be asked to save their Adventure writing work, which they have started in class, onto the USB pen.  Children need to complete writing their story by Monday.  This is second draft work.  Their first draft is in their composition book.  I have made markings in their first draft of where they are expected to make changes.  Can I ask that the children do their own typing as I wish to mark their second draft based on their own work.  This second draft must be completed by Monday, 3 February.  I will print their work from school and then the children will make any final changes before publishing their work on Tuesday and Thursday of next week.


Poetry Assignment

Rational: to help students develop a love for reading poetry.

Objectives: to analyze parts of a poem (e.g. rhyming words, main idea, symbolism), to clearly and confidently present information to the class.

How it will work: Each student will be required to research and select a poem they would like to share with the class.  They will then complete the poetry assignment sheet and hand it in to Mrs. Morgan by their scheduled Friday.  Mrs. Morgan will then go over the poem with the student, to ensure the student is ready to teach the class about the poem.  Mrs. Morgan will also photocopy the poem so each student can have a copy. Then on Monday during our normally scheduled poetry time, the student will present and teach their poem to the class.  Please see your child’s agenda for the poetry assignment sheet and the schedule for when they are to present their poem.

Assessment: Mrs. Morgan will assess their presentation skills (speaking to the class and answering any questions) as part of their Oral Language grade.  Mrs. Morgan will also assess the written poetry assignment sheet to see how well the student has analyzed the parts of the poem.  This will be used as part of the student’s Reading grade.


Places to find poems

Look through our school library for a book on poems.  Ask Ms. Galvao (our librarian) or Mrs. Morgan where to find these the next time we are at library.

Check out the Georgetown Public Library for any poems for kids.

Check out these websites




Homework 20 – 25th of January

MondaySpelling. r-controlled vowels.  Spelling Workbook p51-53.  Due Thursday.

Student’s may also need to complete any Math Study Guide and Review work which was not completed in class today.  These are the questions they were to complete in class. 1-4, 5-8, 11-14, 18, 21-25, 29-35, 36-39, 43-44, 46-52, 56-57, 60-61.  See your child’s agenda for the specific questions they still need to answer.  They have tonight and tomorrow to complete this.

TuesdayMath. Complete the online Chapter 5 math test http://www.glencoe.com/sec/math/studytools/cgi-bin/msgQuiz.php4?isbn=0-02-105732-X&chapter=5&headerFile=7 . They can also look at the Chapter 4 math test (scroll to the bottom of this page for the link) http://www.mhschool.com/math/mathconnects/grade3/sg3c4lesson1.html .  They can also complete any of the Study Guide and review from the textbook work last night.  Also go on Mathletics to do any set tasks by the teacher.  Children may also listen to the Times Table Tunes on Mathletics as revision for their multiplication test tomorrow.

Wednesday – Children will start work on a mini Science project.  They will have one week to complete this.  Please see your child’s project paper which will be in their bag today.  This project will make up part of this terms Science grade.

Thursday – Reading.  Read chapter 8 of The Boxcar Children and answer the comprehension questions.

Weekend HomeworkScience Project work.  This project is due Wednesday, 29th of June.

Weekly Bible Memory Verse: “Because of the Lord’s great love we are not consumed, for his compassions never fail.  They are new every morning; great is your faithfulness.” Lamentations 3:22-23

Whole School Math Bingo

The entire First Baptist Christian School met down in the gym at 12:30pm on Friday 17th of January for a fun time of Math Bingo!

Grade 3 hard at work!
Grade 3 hard at work!
The whole school had lots of fun!
The whole school had lots of fun!
Does anyone have bingo?
Does anyone have bingo?

Homework January 6 – 10, 2014

MondaySpelling words that end with -le spelling pattern and general review.  Workbook p47-49.

TuesdayMath.  Multiply by 3.  Homework practice book p36.  Also review multiplying by 5on  p32.

WednesdayReading.  Answer Think Critically questions, p357 of the Storytown textbook.  Make sure the answers are in detail and are written in complete sentences.

ThursdayGrammar. Identify plural and possessive nouns.  Grammar workbook p33-35


Bible Memory Verse:

Isaiah 55:7 “Let the wicked forsake his way and the evil man his thoughts.  Let him turn to the Lord, and he will have mercy on him, and to our God, for he will freely pardon.”

Children must memorize all the parts in bold to get a sticker for this week.  They may get two stickers or choose to move their surf board up on our behavior chart if they remember the entire verse.

Homework 9 – 13 December

Monday – Spelling Workbook p44-47.  Due Thursday.

Tuesday – Math Homework book p29-30. Focus is on multiplying by two and four.

Wednesday – Science Reading Support Workbook RS44-45.

Thursday – Grammar.  Complete Challenge pages 30 and 32.  Writing Application work is optional.  However, if your children choose to complete it, they will be rewarded in class.

Bible Memory Verse – “Husbands love your wives, just as Christ loved the church and gave himself up for her.”

The students will be performing a Cayman version of the 12 Days of Christmas written by themselves.  The performance will be part of our schools Christmas chapel on Monday 16th of December from 8:30 – 9:00am.  These are some props we will need from home: two ripe mangos, three soft turtle toys, 5 pineapples, ten soft toy dogs, 12 flashlights.  Thanks for helping out and we hope you can join us at our Christmas assembly!

Homework December 2 – 6

Monday Spelling.  Focus – Consonants (s/c, j/g/dge) Workbok p41-43. Due Thursday.

TuesdayMath. Revision for Friday’s Test on Data Management and Probability.  Homework Workbook p95 and 98.  Use Math composition book to draw the graphs.  This is also due Thursday.

Wednesday – Continue Math and Spelling homework.

ThursdayGrammar.  Focus – Special plural nouns and singular possessive nouns. Complete Challenge pages 30 and 32. Students may also need to complete p29-31 if they were not completed in class.

Bible Memory Verse – “Fear God and keep his commandments, for this is the whole duty of man.” Ecclesiastes 12:13

Just a note on the Bible lessons this week…We will be looking at the topic of being born again.  We are following the ACSI Grade 3 curriculum steps on how to teach this.  We will be following specific passages in the scripture about being born again such as John 3:1-21, The Romans Road (Romans 3:10, 3:23, 6:23, 5:8, 10:9 and 10:13), Colossians 3:8-10 and 3:12-17.  The children are being asked to reflect on their own life and what Jesus did for us.  An invitation to become born again and a follower of Christ will be made.  However, I would like to mention that the children will not be forced to make this decision. I am particularly informing parents about this lesson incase your child has any questions about salvation or wants to share a decision with you.  Please let me know if you have any questions about this.  I pray we can use this time to encourage each other in our desire to follow Christ.


Cayman Style Shared Lunch!

To close off our Inquiry unit on Cayman, each student (with the help of their parents) chose and prepared a traditional Caymanian dish.  We had Cayman style beef, baked macaroni and cheese, BBQ chicken, jerk chicken, rice and beans, plantain chips, Johnny cake, corn bread, swanky water, conch stew, curried chicken and pink potato salad. What a feast!  Thank you to all for preparing the food and joining in our celebration of Cayman!

BBQ chicken and rice.
BBQ chicken and rice.
So many options to choose from!
So many options to choose from!
Enjoying our feast!
Enjoying our feast!
Conch stew and some delicious sides!
Conch stew and some delicious sides!

Special Guest: Captain Paul Hurlston

Captain Paul Hurlston came to talk to our class about life as a seamen.
Captain Paul Hurlston came to talk to our class about life as a seamen.

To better understand Cayman’s heritage, Connor’s mom and grandma helped organize for a famous Caymanian seaman to come to Grade 3 and talk to us about life in the “old days.”  Below is a short bit on Capt. Hurlston from a recent Compass article (1 Nov) and a new exhibit opening later this month at the museum in his honor.

“A new show honoring local seaman Capt. Paul Hurlston, is slated to open at the Cayman Islands National Museum on Nov. 23, as part of the museum’s 22nd anniversary celebrations.

The exhibition, “Voyages: A Sea Captain’s Legacy,” takes viewers on a thrilling journey, using images and stories from the Caymanian seaman.

Hurlston spent more than 40 years at sea, and has directed catboats, steamships and even a vessel carrying a nuclear reactor. His stories have become an essential and celebrated part of Cayman’s history. The premiering exhibit provides an inside look into the life of this local legend.”

The students really enjoyed his visit and we learnt lots.  A big thank you to him for taking time out to share so many valuable lessons and stories with us!

Captain Hurlston has travelled to many countries around the world.
Captain Hurlston has travelled to many countries around the world.
He showed us some photos of his travels.
He showed us some photos of his travels.
Here's a picture of Captain Hurlston as a young seaman.
Here’s a picture of Captain Hurlston as a young seaman.



Captain Hurlston brought in a sexton and explained how they used it to navigate.
Captain Hurlston brought in a sexton and explained how they used it to navigate.


Each student got a turn to use the sexton.  It was lots of fun!
Each student got a turn to use the sexton. It was lots of fun!