Weekly Update

Literacy– all beginning of the year Reading and Writing assessments will be completed and marked this week.  They will be sent home in the children’s portfolio’s and need to be signed by their parents.  If you have any questions regarding the assessments please don’t hesitate to contact me.Math – This week children will be learning how to conduct a statistical investigation.  For homework, they have been asked to gather information from their family about favorite things.  This information has been glued into their Math book and written in their agenda.  For extra details about this weeks homework, please click on the homework page link.Science Inquiry – This week we will be learning about Fossils.  Children will be making their own fossils, learning how fossils are formed and we will also be reviewing the different types of rocks.  Homework connected to our fossil study will be sent home on Thursday afternoon.  Please see the homework page for more detail.Here is a great interative website relating to our Rock focus in Science http://www.learner.org/interactives/rockcycle/