Week beginning September 16, 2019

We are settling into our routines now and enjoying getting to know your children. Please remember that school starts at 8:00am.

A/C is a wonderful thing, however, it can get quite cold in school so if your child would like to bring a light sweater, please do send one in.

Character Education: This month’s theme is ‘Forgiveness’. We will be discussing how to forgive and why it is important this month.

Literacy: Please sign and return your child’s spelling test. We are continuing our Narrative writing and learning about nouns. There will be a spelling test on Friday, words will be sent home on Monday to practise.

Math: Please check your child’s blue folder. We have sent home a little white card with your child’s Mathletics login details on it. Please help them practise logging in and regularly practise completing some activities. On Monday, the children will be completing a class quiz on what they have learnt so far; filling in the missing numbers, counting in 2s, 5s and 10s and backwards.

Science: We are continuing to learn about plants and their parts.

Bible: We are learning about the story of Noah, the tower of Babel and being accepting of others.

Art: We follow a monthly theme in Art. This month we are learning about Markmaking and Abstract Art.

Week beginning January 14, 2019

Monday January 14: The Don Shire Christian Puppetry team are coming for an assembly at 9 a.m. in the Sanctuary.

Literacy: We will be continuing our work on Opinion Writing. Discuss some opinions. What do you like? What do you feel? Ask your child about OREO! Look out for the weekly spelling sheet on Monday.

Math: We will understand fractions as part of a group. Review fractions as part of a whole and review adding and subtracting numbers.

Science: How do animals grow? We will be observing and recording changes in the life cycles of mammals and birds and comparing the ways young mammals and birds depend on their parents for their basic needs.

Bible: The Story of Joseph – ‘Joseph Forgives his Brother’. We will be looking at how people can still obey God even if they are in a difficult situation.

Welcome Back!

Week beginning January 7, 2019

In Literacy this term, we are focusing on Opinion Writing. This week we will be learning what an opinion is and discussing a range of opinion statements to think of our own views.

In Phonics this term, we are learning alternative ways to pronounce or spell different sounds. For example, alternative /c/ can sound like a /s/ – cat, cell. Please see the weekly spelling sheets which will be emailed out each week.

In Math, we are reviewing fractions (half and quarter) and learning one–third and one-fifth using a number line. We will also review adding and subtracting numbers to 20 on a number line.

In Science, we will be reviewing everything we have learnt about ‘Plants and Animals’ and will be introducing ‘Insects’.

In Bible, we will be looking at the story of Joseph.

Topics/Objectives for February 20-28, 2017

MATH:  Topic:

 Objectives: Estimate and measure length in centimeter.

                         Estimate and Measure Length in Inches.

Assessment: Measure Length in Centimeters and Inches


ENGLISH: Topic: Adjectives with er and est

Objectives: Identify er and est adjectives in sentences.

Assessment: Adjectives


READING GROUPS: Eagles: “At Home Around the World”

                                         Humming Birds: “Friends Forever”

                                         Ducklings: ” Try Your Best”


SPELLING: Group 1: Eagles: why        my        try       cry         sky      fly   by         

                                                              lie        pie     tie        tiny      lion      high       tiger

Challenge Words:   tying     rhyme   diet

                                       The long i sound can be spelled i, y, ie, or igh

                                      i-tiny         y-sky            ie-lie                 igh-high


Group 2: Humming Birds: middle   fiddle   puddle   waddle   cuddle

                                                         wiggle   giggle   jiggle   riddle   struggle


SCIENCE: Topic: How Do Animals Help Plants?

                                     How Do People Need Plants and Animals?

Objectives: Students will compare ways that plants depend on

                   animals to help them meet their needs.

                   Students will give examples of ways people depend

                    on plants and animals for their basic needs.


SOCIAL STUDIES: Topic: Imported Goods

Objectives: Students should be able to define imports.

                   Name countries where goods are imported from.


BIBLE: Topic: Crossing the Jordan River

Objectives: Children will understand the importance of trusting

                     God with heart, soul, mind and strength.

                     Learn the consequences of not trusting.

MEMORY VERSE: “Those who were in the boat worshipped him, saying,

                                              ‘Truly you are the Son of God'” (Matthew 14:33, NIV 1984)


Lesson Topics and Objectives for Jan. 30 to Feb. 3, 2017

MATH:  Topic: Subtract from 6, 7, 8, 9, 10 11 & 12

 Objectives: Students should be able to demonstrate subtracting from 6, 7, 8 , 9, 10, 11

                        and 12 using connecting cubes.

                        Students will explore subtracting horizontally and vertically.


ENGLISH: Topic: Homophones & Homographs

Objectives: Students will define homophones as two words that,

                        have the same sound but have different  spelling and meanings.

                        Recognize homophones in sentences.

                       Tell homophones are.

                       Students will define homographs as two words that

                       look (spell) the same but have different meanings.        

                      Recognize homographs in sentences.

                      Tell homographs are.


READING GROUPS: Eagles: “Me On the Map”

                                         Humming Birds: “On the Way to the Pond”

                                         Ducklings: “Where Do Frogs Come From?”


SPELLING: Group 1: Eagles

                         week    bees    feet     free       see     meet    queen    green    

                         wheel    three         street            sleep     these          keep

 Challenge Words:  people          being            sneeze

 Long /e/ can be spelled e, ee, e-consonant-e, or eo.

e-we     ee-keep    e-consonant-e     eo-people

Group 2: Humming Birds:  jar   art      car   far    farm   arm    

                                            dark  cart   card    star  barn  mark

Challenge Words: farmer     father   party


SCIENCE: Project Presentation


SOCIAL STUDIES: Sports Played in our Community


BIBLE: Moses Review and Test.

MEMORY VERSE: Psalm 30:2 – Lord my God, called to you for help and you healed me.


Topics/Objectives for January 24-27, 2017

MATH:  Topic: Terra Nova Practice/ Adding 3-single Digit Numbers


ENGLISH: Terra Nova Practice


READING GROUPS: Eagles: “Reading Comprehension”

                                         Humming Birds: “Reading Comprehension”

                                         Ducklings: “Reading Comprehension”


SPELLING: No New Spelling Words.

                        Students will spell words that they have studied  

                       over the past four weeks.


SCIENCE: Topic: All About Animals

                                    How Does a butterfly Grow and Change?

                                    Observe and record changes in the life cycle of a butterfly.

                                    Identify the characteristics of a butterfly that allows its basic

                                    needs to be met.


SOCIAL STUDIES: Interesting Places in our Community Continues

                                        Students will identify interesting places that people

                                        visit in the Cayman Islands.


BIBLE: The Burning Bush Continues

                 Children will understand that God uses Moses to lead

                  the Israelites to the Promised Land.

                  God can use people with physical challenges.

MEMORY VERSE: Psalm 119:18 – Open my eyes that I may see wonderful things in your law.


Objectives for Week of January 16 – 20, 2017

Math: Odd and Even Numbers

Students should be able to find patterns in numbers such as even and odd numbers.

Identify numbers that are even or odd.

Count back to subtract


Literacy/Language: Antonyms and Synonyms

Students should be able to tell what antonyms are.

Recognize antonyms in sentences.

Tell what synonyms are.

Recognize synonyms in sentences.



Students will identify words with /ch/ sound, identify/ed/  and /ing/ words

Group 1: handed     ended    thanked     asked     wished      fished     tricked   

                dressing   helping   picking    fishing    thinking  wishing   catching


Group 2: chip         chin    itch        inch         catch        match

                 watch       fetch   patch       check

                     Challenge Words: snatch           stitch       children


Science: Life Cycle of a Frog

Students will observe and record changes in the life cycle of a frog. 

Identify characteristics of a frog that allows its basic needs to be met.


Social Studies: Interesting Places in our Community.

Students will identify interesting places that people visit in the Cayman Islands.


Bible: Moses

Students will understand that God protects Moses.

 God calls Moses to serve.


Memory Verse: Jeremiah 17:14

Heal me Lord and I will be healed; save me and I will be saved, for you are the one I praise.





Objectives for Week of January 9 – 13, 2017


Student will identify animals that are insects and recognize parts of an insect.

Observe changes in the life cycle of mammals and birds.

Compare the ways young mammals and birds depend on their parents for their basic needs.


Social Studies

Students will define family.

Identify and describe the different types of families in the community. (eg. nuclear, extended, single parent  and sibling)



Students will use a number line to subtract.

Subtract using doubles.



Students will tell what contractions are.

Recognize contractions with “not”, “had”, “has”, “have”, “am” “would” , “will”, “is” , “are”, in sentences.

Read, write and spell contractions in sentences.



Students will identify words with long /a/ and /sh/ sound.

Students will recognize long /a/ sound can be spelled ai, /ei/, /ey/ as in pail, eight & they.



Students will recall ways dreams affected Joseph’s life.

Understand that Joseph acknowledged and honored God.

Understand that God used all of the bad things that happened to Joseph for a good thing.

Understand that even though life was hard for Joseph, God had a plan to protect and save his family.



Topics/Objectives for November 15-18, 2016

ENGLISH /Grammar: Topic: Personal Narrative

Objectives: Children will; listen to a personal narrative,

                       Discuss characteristics of a well written personal narrative,

                       Write a personal narrative.


Math: Topic: Tally Charts & Picture Graphs

Objectives: Students should be able to make and read a tally chart.

                        Make and read picture graphs.


SPELLING: No New Spelling Words

Groups 1 & 2 will do review words


READING: Comprehension

GROUPS: Eagles, Humming Birds & Ducklings  

Objectives:  Predict the story.

                         Read and discuss vocabulary words.

                        Identify and decode unfamiliar words.

                       Use vocabulary words to make sentences. (Words may vary according

                        to group/individual needs)


SCIENCE: Topic: Different Kinds of Animals

Objectives: Children will identify different ways to group animals.

                        Sort animals according to their characteristics and parts.


SOCIAL STUDIES: Topic: Pictures and Maps

Objectives: Students will distinguish between pictures and maps.

                        Describe a picture and a map of a community.


BIBLE:Topic: Jacob and Esau

               Jacob Unusual Dream

Objective: Understand that God promised to protect and be with Jacob wherever he went.

                      Understand that Jacob knew about God but until his unusual dream,

                      he did not really know God.

                    Understand the importance of reconciliation. (forgiveness) and that when

                    we have done something wrong, our hearts feel sad until we ask forgiveness.

Memory Verse: Mark 2:27-28 “Jesus said, The sabbath was made for man,

                                  not man for the sabbath. So the son of man is Lord

                                  even of the sabbath” (NIV 2011)

N B: Parents, please ensure that your child studies the Memory verses because

they make up 40% of the bible grade. There is reward for the first students who

know the memory verse.