Topics/Objectives For January 28-31, 2014


MATH:  Topic: Even and Odd Numbers

                  Test: Even and Odd Numbers


  ENGLISH: Synonyms

                          Tell what synonyms are.

                          Recognize synonyms in sentences.

                          Model a friendly letter and learn its parts.

                          Identify the five parts of a friendly letter.

                          Identify information included in the greeting, body and closing of a friendly letter.

                          Write a friendly letter.

                           Learn how to address an envelope and write a return address.


 READING GROUPS: Honey Bees: “Reading Comprehension”

                                         Worker Bees: “Reading Comprehension”

                                         Bumble Bees: “Reading Comprehension”


SPELLING: Honey & Nectar will study digraphs in class.


SCIENCE: Topic: All About Animals

                                    How Does a Butterfly Grow?

                                    Identify the characteristics of a butterfly that help it keep safe and meet its needs.


SOCIAL STUDIES: Review Interested Places in the Cayman Islands.

                                                      Identify and list interesting places that people visit in the Cayman Islands.

                                                      Identify interesting places in each district.



BIBLE: Topic: Review story of Joseph for test on Thursday.


MEMORY VERSE: “Say to them, ‘as surely as I live, declares the sovereign Lord, I take no pleasure in the death of the wicked,

                                             but rather that they turn from their ways and live. Turn! Turn from your evil ways! Why will you die,

                                             O house of Israel?’”   Ezekiel 33:11

                                        FIRST GRADE WILL LEARN:

                                        “Turn! Turn from your evil ways! Why will you die, O house of Israel?”  

                                             Ezekiel 33:11b

Topic/Objectives For January 20-24, 2014


MATH:  Topic: Fact Family

                  Test: Fact Family, Related Facts                

                  Count and order numbers from 1 to 100 on a hundred chart.

                  Even and Odd Numbers


  ENGLISH: Linking Verbs (is, are, was, were) 

                        Identify the correct Linking verb.

                       Complete sentences using the correct linking verbs. (is, are, was, were)



 READING GROUPS: Honey Bees: “At Home Around The World”

                                         Worker Bees: “On the Way to the Pond”

                                         Bumble Bees: “Boats/Horses”


SPELLING: Honey: Long /e/ Sound

                         week bees free keep queen green sneeze people wheel three street being sleep these

Challenge Words: athlete freeze belief

Nectar : Words with /ch/ Sound

                   chip chin itch inch catch match watch fetch patch check

Challenge Words: snatch stitch children


SCIENCE: Topic: All About Animals

Assessment: Animal Groups

                       How Does a Butterfly Grow?

                       Identify the characteristics of a butterfly that help it keep safe and meet its needs.


 SOCIAL STUDIES: Review Interested Places in the Cayman Islands.

                                                      Identify and list interesting places that people visit in the Cayman Islands.

                                                      Identify interesting places in each district.



BIBLE: Topic: Joseph Forgives His Brothers

                               God used all the bad things that happen to Joseph for a good thing.

                               Even though life was hard for Joseph, God had a plan to protect and save his family.


MEMORY VERSE: “They are new every morning; great is your faithfulness.”

                                        Lamentations 3:23b