Topics/ Objecives For May 26 -30, 2014


MATH: Topics: Separate whole into two equal parts.

                                 Identify one third of a whole

                                 Identify one fourth of a whole

                                 Separate a whole into parts using non-unit fractions

                                 Describe parts of a set using fractions


 English: Topic: Homophones & Compound Words

                                 Recognize homophones in sentences.

                                 Tell what compound Words are

                                 Identify compound words among other words

Assessment: Homophones and Compound Words


READING GROUPS: Honey Bees – “Frog and Toad All Year”

                                         Worker Bees – ” Tell Me a Story”

                                        Bumble Bees – ” Tomas Rivera”


SPELLING Words: Honey: Adding ‘ed’ and ‘ing’

                                       named    hoped   liked  loved    baked  lived  biked  baking  giving  riding writing  having living    joking

Challenge Words

amusing            disliked                lining

 Nectar: Long /a/ sound

                  game   gave   name  came  bake   brave    whale   ate     say   play  stay  baby  today  maybe

 Challenge Words: delay        bacon         fade

NB. Students will study words and do activities in class.


Science: Topic: The Rain Forest

                Tell what a rainforest is.

                Identify layers of the rainforest.

                Recognize that plants and animals that live in the rainforest

                find what they need to survive.


Social Studies: Cayman Plants and Trees

                            Recognize plants and trees found in the Cayman Islands

                            Discuss the uses of trees

                            Identify and list at least three medicine and three harmful plants found in the Cayman Islands


Bible: Gideon

            God uses Gideon to deliver His people from the Medianites.

            God can use them for His purpose regardless of their limitations or circumstances.

            The bible has helped many people come to know the Lord.


                                    Final Memory Verse For The School Year! May 21-30, 2014

                                                       But all this has taken place that the writings of     

                                                      the prophets might be fulfilled.”  Matthew 26:56

                                                          You Have Finished Strong First Grade.

                                                    Continue Your Awesome Job in Second Grade !



Topics/ Objectives For May 21-23, 2014


MATH: Topics: Assessment: Data Collection

                                 Identify and count equal parts.

                                 Separate a whole into two equal parts.


 English: Topic: Assessment Unit 9

                    Cumulative Review 1, 5, 7 & 9

                   Define homophones

                   Recognize homophones in sentences.


READING GROUPS: Honey Bees – “The Story of Blue Bird”

                                         Worker Bees – ” At Home Around the World”

                                        Bumble Bees – ” Did You See Chip?”


SPELLING Words: Honey: zoo  too room  food  moon  soon tooth  school tool   

                                         booth who two  new    blue

 Challenge Word: cocoon      bamboo        booth

 Nectar: me  dream  leap mean  beach bean heat   clean  cheat 

                  beet   feet    sleep

Challenge Words: sneeze leader  please 


Science: Topic: The Rain Forest

                Tell what a rainforest is.

                Identify layers of the rainforest.

                Recognize that plants and animals that live in the rainforest

                find what they need to survive.


Social Studies: Review: Rules in Our Community & The Museum



Bible: Test: Joshua and Caleb

             Understand that the bible has helped many people come to know the Lord.


                                    Final Memory Verse For The School Year! May 21-30, 2014

                                                       But all this has taken place that the writings of     

                                                      the prophets might be fulfilled.”  Matthew 26:56

                                                          You Finished Strong First Grade.

                                              Continue Your Awesome Job in Second Grade !


Topics/Objectives for May 12-16, 2014


MATH: Topics: Ordinal Positions & Data Collection

                                  Identify Ordinal positions

                                  Collect data and construct a bar graph

Assessment: Ordinals and Data Collection


English: Topic: Capitalization and Punctuation

                    Write days and months using capital letters.

                     Write capital letters at the beginning and exclamation point

                     at the end at sentences.

                    Write names of holidays using capital letters.

                    Write a comma correctly in dates.

                    Write comma correctly in addresses.


READING GROUPS: Honey Bees – “Busy Buzzy Bee”

                                         Worker Bees – ” Me On the Map”

                                        Bumble Bees – ” I am a butterfly”


SPELLING Words: Honey: old      told    cold   gold    sold   hold   most   roll   

                                                          over   open   boat   coat    goat   road

                       Challenge Word: mold    boulder      clover

 Nectar:low     bow   row  gold    sold   hold   most   soap  

                                                        over   open   boat   coat   goat  road

                     Challenge Words: mold toast almost


SCIENCE: Topic: The Forest

                       The what a forest is.

                       Recognize that plants and animals have characteristics that help them live in a forest.      

                       Describe how plants and animals that live in a forest find what they need to survive.


SOCIAL STUDIES: Churches and Schools

                                         Explain why the schools and churches are important in the community.


BIBLE: Topic: Joshua and Caleb

                               Understand that Joshua and Caleb faithfully serve the Lord as spies.

                               Joshua lead the Israelites in the battle of Jericho.


Memory Verse: “You will again see the distinction between the righteous and the wicked,
                                   between those who serve God, and those who do not”    Malachi 3:18

                                                              FIRST GRADE WILL LEARN

                                    You will again see the distinction between the righteous and the wicked.     

                                     Malachi 3:18a