Science Project

Science Project                 “Seeds and Plants”

Collect at least six (4-6) different types of seeds and use these seeds to make a plant showing the four main parts (the flower, stem, leaves and roots).                                          Think of a creative way to display the plant. The plant parts should be labeled.

During the presentation, students are required to tell the types of seeds used to make the different parts and tell the function of each part.

Example: (I used pumpkin seeds to make my flower. The function of the flower is to make seeds and fruits.)

  1. Students will be graded on Content, Creativity, Neatness and Presentation.

Due: Monday, October 12, 2015

Rubric                           Seeds and Plants                     First Baptist Christian School

Category Level 1

2 pts

Level 2

3 pts

Level 3

4 pts

Level 4

5 pts




Needs improvement Satisfactory Good Excellent
Does not seem to understand the topic very well. Shows a good understanding of parts of the topic. Shows a good understanding of the topic. Shows a full understanding of the topic.
Creativity No effort appears to have been put into creating the project. There seems to have been no thought or imagination. Very little effort appears to have been put into creating the project. There seems to have been little thought or imagination. A great deal of effort has been put into creating the project. You thought about what you wanted to present, you used your imagination. A lot of effort has been put into creating the project. You thought about what you wanted to present, you used your imagination and thought outside of the box. You created a project like no other in the class.
Overall Neatness Project is torn and is messy in appearance. There are signs of stains or stray marks. Project is torn. Materials appear messy. Project is free of stray marks. Project shows no sign of damage but could be better presented. Project shows no sign of damage and is perfectly put together.
Presentation Often mumbles or cannot be understood. Slouches and/or does not look at people during the presentation. Speaks clearly and distinctly most of the time. (90-85%). Stand up straight, looks relax and confident. Speaks clearly and distinctly all the time. (95-91%). Stand up straight, and establishes eye contact. Speaks clearly and distinctly all the time. (100-96%). Stand up straight, looks relax and confident.




Topics/Objectives for September 28-October 2, 1015

MATH: Topic: Data Collection

                Make and read bar graphs.

               Collect data/information and construct a bar graph.

               Test: Picture and Bar graphs.


ENGLISH: The Writing Process

                        Writing a class story.

Learn steps in the writing process.


READING GROUPS: Group 1: ‘I am a Butterfly’

                                            Group 2: Ants’

                                            Group 3: ‘Jack and Rick’


SPELLING WORDS: Group 1: had     class   him you     children

boys   our   girls       the    them    her     child

                                            Challenge Words: pupil       classmates     buddy

                                            Group 2: dot   got   job  jog   shop  hot   top

drop  pond  spot

                                          Challenge Wordsprofit  adopt  bonnet


SCIENCE: Topic: Parts of a Plant Continues

                     Students will observe and compare plants.

                      Examine a plant and identify its basic parts.

                      Describe the functions of each part.


SOCIAL STUDIES: Natural and Man-made Features

                                        Students should be able to identify the

                                        natural and man-made features in their community.

                                        Demonstrate finding directions on a compass.


 BIBLE:  Topic: Noah Saves His Family Continues

                 Students will dramatize the story of Noah.

                 Know that Noah was faithful to finish the job

                of building the ark and was saved from the flood.


Memory Verse: For I am not ashamed of the gospel,

                                 for it is the power of God for salvation

                                to everyone who believes, the Jew first

                               and also to the Greek.” Romans 1:16

First Grade Will Learn: “For I am not ashamed of the gospel,

                           for it is the power of God for salvation to everyone

                           who believes…” Romans 1:16a

NB. Parents, please ensure that your child studies the Memory verses        

         because they make up 40% of the bible grade. 

There is a reward for the first students who know the memory verse.










Topics/Objectives for September 21-25, 2015.


MATH:  Sort and classify objects using a Venn diagram.

                 Make and read picture graphs.

                 Read tally charts.

Test: Venn Diagram, Picture Graphs and Tally Charts                


ENGLISH: Topic: What Kind of Sentence?

                        Recognize and use question words in sentences.

                         Distinguish between telling sentences and questions.

                         Punctuate telling sentences and questions.

Chapter Test: Telling sentences


                         Question Words

                        What Kind of Sentence?


READING GROUPS: Golden Delicious: “Fun with Fish”

                                            Red Delicious: “Jack and Rick”

                                            Green Delicious: “Ants”


Phonics: Students will identify words with the short /e/ & /ck/ sound.

They will also continue with the short /e/ sound.

Group one will recognize that short /e/ sound can be /e/ /

/ai/ /ay/ (says, said).

Group two will recognize words with the /ck/ sound as in

kick, pick, tack, Rick, sick, tick, clock,


SPELLING WORDS: Group 1: desk send rest bell well egg help dress best seven any many

                                            Challenge Words: beggar tread memory

                                           Group 2: pick pack tack back sack sick kick trick clock truck

                                            Challenge Words: attack walk knock


SCIENCE:  Review Parts of a Seed.

                        Plant Seeds 

           Topic: Parts of a Plant

                       Examine a plant and identify the basic parts.

                       Describe the functions of each part.


Social Studies: Oral Test (My Community)

                Topic: Natural and Man-made Features

                               Identify the natural and man-made features in their community.


BIBLE: Topic: Noah Saves his Family

                            Dramatize the story of Noah.

                            Conclude that Noah was faithful to finish the

                            job of building the ark and was saved from the flood.


Memory Verse: “The Lord Jesus Christ who gave himself for our sins

                                   to deliver us from the present evil age, according to

                                   the will of our God the Father.” Galatians 1:4

First Grade Will Learn:

                                       “The Lord Jesus Christ gave himself for our      

                                         sins to deliver us from the present evil age…”

                                        Galatians 1:4a

NB. Parents, please ensure that your child studies the Memory verses because they

make up 40% of the bible grade. 

There is a reward for the first students who know the memory verse.

Topics/ Objectives for September 14-18, 2015

MATH:  Show addition stories using counters.

                   Explore the concept of part-part and whole.

                   Add by joining two groups.

                   Write addition sentences using + and =.

                   Explore finding sum by adding zero.

                   Chapter Test: Concepts above


ENGLISH: Identify telling sentences.

                        Capitalize and punctuate telling sentences.

                        Recognize and use question words in sentences.

                        Demonstrate how to ask questions orally.

                        Identify questions among other sentences.

                       Capitalize and punctuate questions. 


READING GROUPS: Group 1: ‘Try Your Best’

                                            Group 2 : ‘Ants’

                                            Group 3 : ‘Sam and the Bag’


SPELLING WORDS: Group 1: bed yes end kept shelf says jet ten went next when said

                                            Challenge Words: melon pedal method

                                            Group 2: in  big  six   hid   pin    pig   his   fin   wig   win

                                            Challenge Words: this wind ship


SCIENCE: Topic:  Parts of a Seed.

                                    Identify the basic parts of a seed.


SOCIAL STUDIES: Topic: Our Islands

                                                     Identify  and name the three Cayman Islands.

                                                     Name at least three communities on each island and write the 



BIBLE: Oral Test: The First Family (Adam and Eve)

                 Review Cain and Abel for test next Wednesday.

                 Learn that it is better to follow God’s ways than our own.


Memory Verse“Paul an apostle, not from man nor through man, but through Jesus Christ  

                                   and God the Father, who raised Him from the dead.” Galatians 1:1a

                             NB. First grade will do the red portion.

NB. Parents, please ensure that your child studies the Memory verses because they

make up 40% of the bible grade. 

There is a reward for the first students who know the memory verse.