Topics/Objectives for Oct. 31 – Nov. 4, 2016


Topic: Tellng Time

             Students will read and write time to the half hour .

             Draw hands on the clock to show time on the half hour.

             Tell time to the hour and half hour

             Problem Solving(telling time)

Test: Time to the hour and half hour.



Grammar: Nouns/Naming Yourself Last.

                       Identify proper nouns that name people.

                       Use I correctly when talking about self and another person.

Test: Nouns: Names of animals, people, places and things.

                    Plural nouns

                     Special nouns of animals, people, and places.

                     Naming Yourself Last.



Group 1: rock  ox  drop  shop chop box pond stop clock want wash spot

 Challenge Words: lobster adopt  monster

Group 2: ball  call  all  fall  wall   tall small  talk    saw walk  draw  mall

Challenge Words: false    haul     faucet



GROUPS: Eagles;  “Tomas Rivera”

                    Humming Birds;  “Fun with Fish”

                    Ducklings;  “Boots for Beth”


SCIENCE: Topic:  All about plants (review)

Test:  To review and assess concepts and skills students have learnt so far.



Topic: Directions (continue)

             Students will find directions, of places east, west, north, south, NW, NE, SE,SW, using a Compass Rose.

Test: Directions



Topic: Obedience

Objectives: Children will realize that like Abraham and Isaac and

                        their Heavenly Father and Jesus Christ, obedience      

                       requires sacrifice.

Test: Abraham and Isaac

 Memory Verse: Luke 7: 9 – 10; “turning to the crowd following him, Jesus said, I tell you,

                                   I have not found such great faith even in Israel.” (NIV 1984)

N B: Parents, please ensure that your child studies the Memory verses because they make up 40% of the bible grade. 

There is reward for the first students who know the memory verse.




Lesson Objectives for week October 17 – 21,2016


Topic: 1. Telling Time to the hour (continue).

Objective:  Students will read and write time to the hour.

                    Draw hands on the clock to show time on the hour.



Grammar:  1. Nouns of People and Animals (continue)

2. Things and Places

3. Plural nouns

Objective: Students will, define/tell what nouns are,

-identify nouns that name people and animals, places and things

– identify plural nouns ending with “s”

-distinguish between singular and plural nouns.



Group 1: fish, wish, spring, bring, with, swim, sister, ring, thing, think, live, give

Challenge  Words:  bitter, guilt, liberty

Group 2: dot, got, job, jog, shop, hop, hot, top, clock, block, rock, not

Challenge Words: profit, adopt, lobster



GROUPS: Eagles;  “Did You See Chip “

                    Humming Birds;  “Try Your Best “

                    Ducklings;  “Dan’s Pet “


SCIENCE: Topic:  All about plants (review)

Test:  To review and assess concepts and skills students have learnt so far.



Topic: Directions (continue)

 Objective: Students will find directions, of places east, west, north, south, NW, NE, SE,SW, using a Compass Rose.



Topic:  God tests Abraham

Objectives: Students should be able to differentiate between trusting God and obeying God.

                   -compare ways that Noah and Abraham trusted and obeyed God.

 Memory Verse: Luke 5: 15 – 16; “……crowds of people came to hear (Jesus) and to be healed of their sicknesses. But Jesus often withdrew to lonely places and prayed.” (NIV 1984)


N B: Parents, please ensure that your child studies the Memory verses because they make up 40% of the bible grade. 

There is reward for the first students who know the memory verse.




Special Subjects Awardees!

                        Spanish                                                  Computer

dscn3568   dscn3571

                       Music                                                          P.E.

dscn3570   dscn3569

To be continued.

First Science Project

    Science Project                                                                          “Seeds and Plants”

Collect at least six (4-6) different types of seeds and use these seeds to make a plant showing the four main parts (the flower, stem, leaves and roots). Think of a creative way to display the plant. The plant parts should be labeled.

During the presentation, students are required to tell the types of seeds used to make the different parts and tell the function of each part.

Example: (I used pumpkin seeds to make my flower. The function of the flower is to make seeds and fruits.) I used pepper seeds to make the roots, one function of the roots is to hold the plant into the ground.)

  1. Students will be graded on Content, Creativity, Neatness and Presentation.

Due: Tuesday Nov. 1 (1B) & Wednesday Nov. 2 (1A), 2016

Rubric                           Seeds and Plants                     First Baptist Christian School

Category Level 1

2 pts

Level 2

3 pts

Level 3

4 pts

Level 4

5 pts




Needs improvement Satisfactory Good Excellent
Does not seem to understand the topic very well. Shows a good understanding of parts of the topic. Shows a good understanding of the topic. Shows a full understanding of the topic.
Creativity No effort appears to have been put into creating the project. There seems to have been no thought or imagination. Very little effort appears to have been put into creating the project. There seems to have been little thought or imagination. A great deal of effort has been put into creating the project. You thought about what you wanted to present, you used your imagination. A lot of effort has been put into creating the project. You thought about what you wanted to present, you used your imagination and thought outside of the box. You created a project like no other in the class.
Overall Neatness Project is torn and is messy in appearance. There are signs of stains or stray marks. Project is torn. Materials appear messy. Project is free of stray marks. Project shows no sign of damage but could be better presented. Project shows no sign of damage and is perfectly put together.
Presentation Often mumbles or cannot be understood. Slouches and/or does not look at people during the presentation. Speaks clearly and distinctly most of the time. (90-85%). Stand up straight, looks relax and confident. Speaks clearly and distinctly all the time. (95-91%). Stand up straight, and establishes eye contact. Speaks clearly and distinctly all the time. (100-96%). Stand up straight, looks relax and confident.




Topics/objectives for October 10 – 14, 2016.

MATH: Topic: 1. Certain or Impossible/True and False Statements.

                        Students will identify events as certain or impossible,

                        Identify Math statements as True or False

                 Topic: 2. Telling Time to the hour.

                       Students will read and write time to the hour,

                       draw hands on the clock to show time on the hour.


ENGLISH: Topic: Writing a Class Story – Growing a Seed.

Students and teacher will:

– use the steps learnt in the Writing Process (Prewriting, Drafting, Revisiting, Editing, Publishing) to write and publish a class story,

Grammar:  Nouns of People and Animals

students will,

-define/tell what nouns are,

-Identify nouns that name people and animals


SPELLING: Group 1: There  are no new spelling words this week.

Students will review all the Spelling words they missed in weeks 1 -5.     


READING GROUPS: Eagles: “I am a Butterfly “

                                          Humming Birds: “Where Do Frogs Come From “

                                          Ducklings: “All that Corn “


SCIENCE: Topic:  What Do Plants Need to Live?

                   Students will:

                     – list and describe the things that a plant needs to grow,

                  – explain how a plant grows

                   – examine their plant that has grown


SOCIAL STUDIES: Topic: Directions

                                 Students will find directions, east, west, north, south, NW, NE, SE,

                                  SW using a Compass Rose.


Topic: Abraham Demonstrates his Trust

Objective: Students will understand that Abraham trusted God.

                  Each time they trust God, it will become easier to trust Him the next time.

Test: Noah

 Memory Verse: Luke 5: 10 – 11; “Then Jesus said to Simon, ‘Don’t be afraid; from now on you will fish for people’. So they pulled their boats up on shore, left everything and followed him.” (NIV 2011)

N B: Parents, please ensure that your child studies the Memory verses because they make up 40% of the bible grade. 

There is reward for the first students who know the memory verse.

