Our Seeds have Grown! Yeah!

A few weeks ago we planted some seeds. After a week we noticed that they were not growing.We concluded that either the seeds were old, the soil was bad or we gave them too much water. All the seeds rot. We decided to plant some new seeds with new soil. Our seeds are now growing!

Topics/Objectives For Oct. 31-Nov. 4, 2011

Math: Addition.
         Use number line to add.
         Use doubles facts to add.
         Use doubles plus 1 facts to add.
         ASSESSMENT on above objectives.
Reading Groups: Honey-: Reading Comprehension
                        Nectar-: Reading Comprehension
Spelling: Spell, hear and say plurals
Spelling Words: cats hands vans bells jets jobs backs
                        desks ships eggs dresses men
Challenge Words: ducklings batches recesses 
Spelling test on Friday, 4th Nov.
English: Assessment on unit 3 (Nouns).
               Discuss the steps of the writing process.
               List topics for a class story.
               Select a topic to write about.
               Write a class story.
               Listen to and follow three-step oral directions.
               Follow picture directions. 
Science: Review and assess Chapter 3.
             All about Plants.
Social Studies: Distinguish between pictures and maps.
Locate places on a map of Kendra’s
community. Contd.
Assessment: Maps pictures and directions.
Bible: Review stories of Abraham and Isaac.
           Test on Abraham and Isaac.
Memory Verse: Do you not know that you are God’s temple
                      and that God’s spirit dwells in you?
                      1 Corinthians 3:16
NB. Parents, please ensure that your child studies the Memory verse.
Remember there is a reward for the first student who knows the memory verse.


Today we read the story ‘All That Corn’. We learned what happened to the corn after it left the field. We got to eat popcorn after reading.

Topics/ Objectives For October 17-21, 2011.

Math: Subrtaction.
Write subtraction sentences in horizontal and vertical form.
Identify addition facts with sums to 12.
Count on from the greater number to find the sum.
Act out stories to solve problems.
ASSESSMENT on above objectives.
Reading Groups: Honey-:”I am a Butterfly”
                            Nectar-:”All That Corn”
Spelling: Spell, hear and say words with /o/
Recognize that /o/ may be spelled o and a.
Spelling Words: rock ox drop shop chop box pond stop
                           clock want wash spot
Challenge Words: lobster adopt monster 
Spelling test on Friday, 21st Oct.
English: Recognize proper or special nouns that name animals
              and places.
              Use ‘I’ correctly when talking about self and another person.
              Write ‘I’ witha capital letter.
Science: Recognize how a seed grows into a plant.
               Identify and name the things that plants
               need to grow
Social Studies: Distinguish between pictures and maps.
                         Locate places on a map of Kendra’s
                         Use directions East, West, North and south.
Bible: Abraham and Isaac
          Learn about God’s promise.
          Recognize that God established His covenant with Abraham
          and Isaac.
          Assessment on Abraham and Isaac.
Memory Verse: In the beginning was the word, and the word
                          was with God and the word was God.
                          John 1:3a
NB. Parents, please ensure that your child studies the Memory verse.
Remember there is a reward for the first student who knows the memory verse.


What’s that face for Dylan? Get messy boy.What’s the matter Dimitri? You can’t have all that soil, let Cameron have some.