Topic/Objective For April 29-May 3, 2013

Math: Topic: More Fractions

                            Use fraction to describe parts fo a set.

Assessment: Fractions

                           Terra Nova Practice


English: Review unit nine: Capitalization and punctuation.

                  Terra Nova Practice


Reading: Groups; Apple Pie, Sauce and Juice: Reading Comprehension.


Spelling: Review Words


Science:Topic:The Ocean

                              Tell what an ocean is.

                              Recognize that plants and animals that live in the ocean find what they need to


                              Give examples of  plants and animals that live in the ocean.

                              Identify the features that plants and animals have to help them live in the  



Social Social: Topic: The Museum

                             Tell what a museum is.

                              List things found in a museum.

                              Tell why the museum is important.

Assessment: The Museum


 Bible: Topic: Ruth

Focus: Ruth is loyal                                         Ruth is a loving servant

             Serving Others                                    Pleasing God

             Understand that Ruth was devoted to God and loyal to Naomi.

             Understand that God honors Ruth’s faithfulness to Naomi.

             Tell what Ruth sacrificed for Naomi.

Memory Verse: “I am the Lord who brought you up out of Egypt to be your God.”

                                  Leviticus 11:45

NB. Parents, please ensure that your child studies the Memory verse.Remember

there is a reward for the first student who knows the memory verse.


Terra Nova Test

April 23, 2013

 Dear Parents,

Please find attached information regarding the Terra Nova Test.

 What is this? Terra Nova is a series of Standardized Achievement Tests designed to assess student achievement in reading, language arts, mathematics, science, vocabulary, spelling, spatial concepts, spatial memory and cognitive skills.

 The tests will take place in the classroom. A few tests will be completed each morning over the 5 days we have to administer them. We aim to begin the tests promptly at 8:30am. This will last approximately one hour and a half, with breaks at intervals. We will then have a long snack and recess.

 Date –Terra Nova will be held from May 6th to 10th.

 Extra!  In preparation for our upcoming test, please try to find any opportunity to revise the practice papers that are sent home.

 What do you need to know?

The most important thing to remember is that these tests do not provide an absolute measure of your child’s understanding but are merely a statistical snapshot of your child’s performance on a particular day. There are many other ways to assess your child’s learning in the classroom and this combined with test scores should give you an overall picture.

 Reason for testing:

  • To identify and examine areas of strength and weakness in the performance of students.
  • To provide a basis for reports to parents and students.
  • To inform teachers of the needs of their students. This helps in working toward increasing student achievement and closing achievement gaps.

 In class I encouraged the children to try their very best on these tests, but to take away any stress and upset we have practiced the test format and skills as much as possible to give the children confidence in the area of test taking. We also impressed upon the children that there will questions they will not able to answer and this is expected. The tests have to cover huge spectrum and occasionally there will be some more difficult questions. I explained to them that we will be as prepared as we can by completing class work and by doing daily practice tests until the actual test commences May 6th.

 I would be happy to discuss any concerns or questions you have, so please feel free to contact me or come in and talk with me.

 Thank you for your support!

 Kind regards,

Asynthia Lewis

Topics/Objectives For April 22-26, 2013

Math: Topic: Fractions

                           Identify and count equal parts

                           Separate a whole into two equal parts

                           Identify one third of a whole

                           Identify one fourth of a whole

                           Separate a whole into parts using non-unit fractions

 English: Recognize Antonyms and Synonyms in sentences.

                    Review unit nine: Capitalization and punctuation.


Reading: Groups; Apple Pie, Sauce and Juice: Reading Comprehension.


Spelling: Review Words


Science:Topic:The Rain Forest

                 Tell what a rain forest is.

                 Identify layers of the rain forest.

                 Recognize that plants and animals that live in the rain forest find the conditions they 

                 need to survive.

                Give examples of the characteristics that help plants and animals live in the rain forest.


Social Social: Topic: The Museum

                             Tell what a museum is.

                             List things found in a museum.

                             Tell why the museum is important.  

Assessment: The Museum



Bible: Topic: Gideon

Focus: Sharing God’s word

             Understand that the bible have helped many people come to know the Lord.

             Discuss books of the bible.


Memory Verse: I will will take you as my own people and will be your God.

                                Exodus 6:6b

NB. Parents, please ensure that your child studies the Memory verse.Remember

there is a reward for the first student who knows the memory verse.


Topics/Objectives For April 15-19, 2013

Math: Identify events as certain or impossible.

             Identify Ordinal positions

Assessment: Certain or Impossible and Ordinal Positions


English: Write friendly letters.

                  Define homophones.

                  Recognize homophones in sentences.

                  Antonyms and Synonyms.


Reading: Groups; Apple Pie, Sauce and Juice: Reading Comprehension.


Spelling: Review Words


Science:Topic:The Desert

                 Tell what a desert is.

                 Recognize that plants and animals that live in desert find the conditions they need to


                 Give examples of the characteristics that help plants and animals live in the desert.

Social Social: Topic: Community Rules

                                Define rules.

                               Recognize that the rules of a community are called laws.

Assessment: Our Churches and Schools; School and Community Rules.


Bible: Topic: Gideon

              Understand that God uses Gideon to deliver His people from the Midianites.

              Understand that God can use them for His purpose regardless of their

              limitations or circumstances.


Memory Verse: I will establish my covenant as an everlasting covenant between

                               me and you. Genesis 17:7a

NB. Parents, please ensure that your child studies the Memory verse.Remember

there is a reward for the first student who knows the memory verse.



Topics/ Objectives For April 8-12, 2013

Math: Topic: Graphs

                       Make and read picture graphs and Venn Diagrams.

                       Make and read tally chart.

                       Make and read bar graphs.

Assessment: Picture Graphs, Venn Diagrams, Tally Charts & Bar Graphs.


English: Topic: Writing a Friendly Letter

                        Listen to a model of a friendly letter and learn about its parts.

                        Identify information included in the greeting, body and closing of a friendly letter.

                        Write  friendly letters.

                        Learn how to address an envelope and write a return address.


Reading: Groups; Apple Pie, Sauce and Juice: Reading Comprehension.


Spelling: Students will say and spell words with ‘ed’ & ‘ing’

Spelling Words: named hoped liked loved baked lived biked baking giving riding

                                  writing having living joking

Challeng Words: amusing disliked lining


Science:Topic:The Forest

                          Tell what a forest is.

                          Describe how plants and animals that live in the in a forest

                          find what they need to survive. 

                          Recognize that plants and animals have characteristics that help them

                          live in a forest.


Social Social: Topic: Our Schools & Community Rule

                              Define rules.

                              Name all school rules and explain what they mean.

                              Recognize that the rules of a community are called laws.


Bible: Topic: Gideon

                           Understand that God uses Gideon to deliver His people from the Midianites.

                           Understand that God can use them for His purpose regardless of their

                           limitations or circumstances.


Memory Verse: In the beginning, God created the heavens and the earth, God

                               saw all that he had made and it was good.  Genesis 1:11

NB. Parents, please ensure that your child studies the Memory verse.Remember  

        there is a reward for the first student who knows the memory verse.