Topics/Objectives For September 2-6, 2013.

MATH: Count, read and write numbers to 20.

                 Identify number of objects in groups.

Patterns: Identify, describe and create patterns.

                  Copy a pictorial pattern to solve a problem.

Assessment: Numbers and Patterns


ENGLISH: Discuss listening, speaking, viewing and writing skills.

                       Identify sentences from fragments.

                       Identify the naming part and action part of a sentence.


READING GROUPS: Honey: ‘Dan’s Pet’

                                            Nectar:’ The Hat’


SPELLING WORDS: HONEY: van than man and hand cat flat has add am after

                                           Challenge Words: active habit blank

                                           NECTAR: at hat cat can cap tap map mad man ham

                                           Challenge Words: hand than after


SCIENCE: Name the five senses.

                      Tell how senses help them learn.


SOCIAL STUDIES: Topic: Our Community

                                                    Describe and define a community as a place where people live, work and play.

                                                    Tell the name of their community.

                                                    Name the districts that are in Grand Cayman.


BIBLE: Topic: The Creation

                             Students will know that God created everything by His word.

                             Tell what God created on each day.

MENORY VERSE: The Lord was pleased to make you His own. 1 Samuel 12:22b


NB. Parents, please ensure that your child studies the Memory verse. Remember

there is a reward for the first students who know the memory verse.