Topics/Objectives covered so far.

MATH: Order whole numbers to 100.

                  Describe the order of numbers.

                  Compare numbers to 20.

                  Identify >, < & = signs and write signs to show numbers that are >,< or = equal.


ENGLISH: Identify the naming and action part of a sentence.

                         Identify telling sentences.

                        Capitalize and punctuate telling sentences.


SCIENCE: Topics: Senses ( How our senses help us learn)

                                     Living and Non-living Things 

                                     Understand that their senses help them learn.                 

                                     Distinguish between and compare living organism and non-living objects.

                                     Identify objects that are living and non-living.


SOCIAL STUDIES: Topic: Our Community

                                                    Describe and define a community as a place where people live, work and play.

                                                    Tell the name of their community.

                                                    Name the districts that are in the Cayman Islands.

                                                   Identify the five districts that are in Grand Cayman.


BIBLE: Topic: The Creation

                             Students will know that Adam named all the animals.

                             Adam was put in the garden of Eden to take care of it.

                            God made Eve from Adam’s side