Topics/Objectives for March 6 -10, 2017


Topic: 1Measuring Capacity

2.Measuring Temperature

Objectives: Estimate and measure capacity in cups.

Compare and order capacity of two or more objects.

Estimate and measure temperature on a thermometer.

Compare and order two or more objects according to relative temperature.



Topic: 1. Writing Correct Sentences


              3. Titles for People

4. Book Titles

Objectives: Recognise and/ write capital letter at the beginning of  sentences.

Recognise and/write end of sentence punctuation marks ( . ? ! )

Recognise that titles for people begin with capital letters and the correct punctuation

Use capital letters and punctuation in proper nouns and titles.

Write book titles using capital letters and recognise that a book title is underlined

Recognise capital letters at the beginning of the first word and other important words in book titles



GROUPS: Eagles: “Tell Me A Story”

                    Humming Birds: “A bed Full Of Cats”

                    Ducklings: ” Fun With Fish”


SPELLING: Words with the Long o, oa and ow sound

Group 1: Eagles:

Challenge Words:  

Group 2:

Humming Birds:



Topic: What lives in a Forest

Objectives: Students will tell what a forest is.

Rercognise that plants and animals have characteristics that help them to live in the forest.



Topic: Road Safety

Objectives: Students should be able to identify and explain the meaning of at least eight road signs.



Topic: Crossing the Jordan River

Objectives: Children will understand the importance of trusting

God with heart, soul, mind and strength.

Learn the consequences of not trusting.

MEMORY VERSE:  Jesus answered, “Woman, you have great faith!” And her daughter was healed at that moment

(Matthew 15:28, NIV 1984)

Topics/Objectives for February 20-28, 2017

MATH:  Topic:

 Objectives: Estimate and measure length in centimeter.

                         Estimate and Measure Length in Inches.

Assessment: Measure Length in Centimeters and Inches


ENGLISH: Topic: Adjectives with er and est

Objectives: Identify er and est adjectives in sentences.

Assessment: Adjectives


READING GROUPS: Eagles: “At Home Around the World”

                                         Humming Birds: “Friends Forever”

                                         Ducklings: ” Try Your Best”


SPELLING: Group 1: Eagles: why        my        try       cry         sky      fly   by         

                                                              lie        pie     tie        tiny      lion      high       tiger

Challenge Words:   tying     rhyme   diet

                                       The long i sound can be spelled i, y, ie, or igh

                                      i-tiny         y-sky            ie-lie                 igh-high


Group 2: Humming Birds: middle   fiddle   puddle   waddle   cuddle

                                                         wiggle   giggle   jiggle   riddle   struggle


SCIENCE: Topic: How Do Animals Help Plants?

                                     How Do People Need Plants and Animals?

Objectives: Students will compare ways that plants depend on

                   animals to help them meet their needs.

                   Students will give examples of ways people depend

                    on plants and animals for their basic needs.


SOCIAL STUDIES: Topic: Imported Goods

Objectives: Students should be able to define imports.

                   Name countries where goods are imported from.


BIBLE: Topic: Crossing the Jordan River

Objectives: Children will understand the importance of trusting

                     God with heart, soul, mind and strength.

                     Learn the consequences of not trusting.

MEMORY VERSE: “Those who were in the boat worshipped him, saying,

                                              ‘Truly you are the Son of God'” (Matthew 14:33, NIV 1984)


Little Scientists

Today we dressed like a scientist. It was the grand opening of the Science lab. We visited the lab to learn about the amazing things that are there. We even enjoyed some yummy cake. It was fun.

Scientists On Duty

Scientists Off Duty