Lesson Objectives for week October 17 – 21,2016


Topic: 1. Telling Time to the hour (continue).

Objective:  Students will read and write time to the hour.

                    Draw hands on the clock to show time on the hour.



Grammar:  1. Nouns of People and Animals (continue)

2. Things and Places

3. Plural nouns

Objective: Students will, define/tell what nouns are,

-identify nouns that name people and animals, places and things

– identify plural nouns ending with “s”

-distinguish between singular and plural nouns.



Group 1: fish, wish, spring, bring, with, swim, sister, ring, thing, think, live, give

Challenge  Words:  bitter, guilt, liberty

Group 2: dot, got, job, jog, shop, hop, hot, top, clock, block, rock, not

Challenge Words: profit, adopt, lobster



GROUPS: Eagles;  “Did You See Chip “

                    Humming Birds;  “Try Your Best “

                    Ducklings;  “Dan’s Pet “


SCIENCE: Topic:  All about plants (review)

Test:  To review and assess concepts and skills students have learnt so far.



Topic: Directions (continue)

 Objective: Students will find directions, of places east, west, north, south, NW, NE, SE,SW, using a Compass Rose.



Topic:  God tests Abraham

Objectives: Students should be able to differentiate between trusting God and obeying God.

                   -compare ways that Noah and Abraham trusted and obeyed God.

 Memory Verse: Luke 5: 15 – 16; “……crowds of people came to hear (Jesus) and to be healed of their sicknesses. But Jesus often withdrew to lonely places and prayed.” (NIV 1984)


N B: Parents, please ensure that your child studies the Memory verses because they make up 40% of the bible grade. 

There is reward for the first students who know the memory verse.

