Topics/Objectives for November 15-18, 2016

ENGLISH /Grammar: Topic: Personal Narrative

Objectives: Children will; listen to a personal narrative,

                       Discuss characteristics of a well written personal narrative,

                       Write a personal narrative.


Math: Topic: Tally Charts & Picture Graphs

Objectives: Students should be able to make and read a tally chart.

                        Make and read picture graphs.


SPELLING: No New Spelling Words

Groups 1 & 2 will do review words


READING: Comprehension

GROUPS: Eagles, Humming Birds & Ducklings  

Objectives:  Predict the story.

                         Read and discuss vocabulary words.

                        Identify and decode unfamiliar words.

                       Use vocabulary words to make sentences. (Words may vary according

                        to group/individual needs)


SCIENCE: Topic: Different Kinds of Animals

Objectives: Children will identify different ways to group animals.

                        Sort animals according to their characteristics and parts.


SOCIAL STUDIES: Topic: Pictures and Maps

Objectives: Students will distinguish between pictures and maps.

                        Describe a picture and a map of a community.


BIBLE:Topic: Jacob and Esau

               Jacob Unusual Dream

Objective: Understand that God promised to protect and be with Jacob wherever he went.

                      Understand that Jacob knew about God but until his unusual dream,

                      he did not really know God.

                    Understand the importance of reconciliation. (forgiveness) and that when

                    we have done something wrong, our hearts feel sad until we ask forgiveness.

Memory Verse: Mark 2:27-28 “Jesus said, The sabbath was made for man,

                                  not man for the sabbath. So the son of man is Lord

                                  even of the sabbath” (NIV 2011)

N B: Parents, please ensure that your child studies the Memory verses because

they make up 40% of the bible grade. There is reward for the first students who

know the memory verse.