Lesson Topics and Objectives for Jan. 30 to Feb. 3, 2017

MATH:  Topic: Subtract from 6, 7, 8, 9, 10 11 & 12

 Objectives: Students should be able to demonstrate subtracting from 6, 7, 8 , 9, 10, 11

                        and 12 using connecting cubes.

                        Students will explore subtracting horizontally and vertically.


ENGLISH: Topic: Homophones & Homographs

Objectives: Students will define homophones as two words that,

                        have the same sound but have different  spelling and meanings.

                        Recognize homophones in sentences.

                       Tell homophones are.

                       Students will define homographs as two words that

                       look (spell) the same but have different meanings.        

                      Recognize homographs in sentences.

                      Tell homographs are.


READING GROUPS: Eagles: “Me On the Map”

                                         Humming Birds: “On the Way to the Pond”

                                         Ducklings: “Where Do Frogs Come From?”


SPELLING: Group 1: Eagles

                         week    bees    feet     free       see     meet    queen    green    

                         wheel    three         street            sleep     these          keep

 Challenge Words:  people          being            sneeze

 Long /e/ can be spelled e, ee, e-consonant-e, or eo.

e-we     ee-keep    e-consonant-e     eo-people

Group 2: Humming Birds:  jar   art      car   far    farm   arm    

                                            dark  cart   card    star  barn  mark

Challenge Words: farmer     father   party


SCIENCE: Project Presentation


SOCIAL STUDIES: Sports Played in our Community


BIBLE: Moses Review and Test.

MEMORY VERSE: Psalm 30:2 – Lord my God, called to you for help and you healed me.