Topics/Objectives for Sept. 12-16, 2011.

Math: Use concrete and pictorial models to compare numbers.           Identify greater(>), less than(<) and equal(=) signs.           Tell if nimbers are >,< or=.           Use concrete and pictorial models to order            whole numbers to 20.           Tell what is a number line.            Describe and order numbers to 20.           Chapter Test: Comparing numbers using (>, < & =)                              Order numbers. Reading: “Boots for Beth”                “Sam and the Bag” Spelling: More Short /a/ soundvan rag have and that back flat had has add am askChallenge Words: catch habit blank. Spelling test on Friday, 16th Sept. English: Recognize that sentences have an action part.               Identify action parts in sentences.               Recognize that a telling sentence is a group of words               that tells something.                Identify telling sentences.               Recognize that telling sentences begin with a                capital letter and end with a period.               Capitalize and punctuate telling sentences correctly.                Science: Distinguish between and compare living organism                and non-living objects.               Identify objects that are living and non-living.               Observe a living organism and compare it to a non-living object.       Social Studies: Identify the five districts of Grand Cayman.                           Discuss and identify the three (3) islands that                            make up the Cayman Islands. Bible: Adam and Eve.           Learn that Adam named all the animals.           Adam was put in the Garden of Eden to tend it.            God made Eve from Adam’s side. Memory Verse: All scripture is breathed out by God.                          2 Timothy 3:16a

Buzzing into First Grade!

Look Who Buzzed into First Grade!Kalie








Luke A.






Luke B.  JonathanCameron 

Reading Adventure!

 Library Time!



Grade 1 will be visiting the library every Wednesday and Friday and will be coming home with two (2) new books every week. Please help your child to read and understand these books and be ready for their Accelerated Reader Test (A.R.).

It truly helps if you take a few minutes to review each book with them and ensure that they are able to comprehend what they read. These weekly tests will also help them to gain A.R. points to shop in the A.R. Store each time it is open this school year.

This is an amazing incentive that will help your children to get hooked on reading and build fluency and comprehension. Happy reading!

Topics/Objectives for September 5-9, 2011.

Math: Read and write numbers 1-10          Identify the number of objects in a group.          Copy pictorial patterns to solve a problem.          Make patterns using pattern blocks.          Describe and extend a pattern.          Chapter Test on Patterns. Reading: “Dan’s Pet”                “The Hat” Spelling: Short /a/ sound                at hat cat can cap tap map mad man hamChallenge Words: hand than after.First Spelling test on Friday, 9th Sept. English: Identify sentences from fragments.             Recognize that every sentence has a naming part.             Identify naming parts in sentences.             Recognize that sentences have an action part.             Identify action parts in sentences. Science: Identify five senses.              Understand how their senses help them learn. Social Studies: Describe and describe a community as a place                         where people live, work and play.                         Name the districts/communities that                          are in the Cayman Islands.                         Name the community they live in. Bible: Know that God created everything by His word.           Discuss what God created on each day.Memory Verse:The heavens declare the glory of God. Psalm 19:1a.


First Baptist Christian School Grade One

Welcome to the first grade family! I am very excited to be teaching your child and I am looking forward to a very successful year. I thought this note would be helpful in explaining a couple of things that will be happening throughout the year.   Spelling words – Your child will be required to learn spelling words each week for a test on Friday.  I am using a textbook with daily activities to assist the children in learning to spell the words and the meanings and uses of these.  I will send the words home every Friday, starting this week. The spelling words for next week have the short ‘a’ sound.  Please help your child to practice these words each evening. The spelling book will sometimes be sent home. Please have your child complete the activity page and return the book the following day or on Monday each week. There will be a spelling test every Friday starting next week. Bible Verse – Your child will be required to study one Bible verse each week. This will be sent home every Friday. Memory verse is 40% of Bible grade.   Reward – Our Grade 1 discipline policy this year involves and Stars and Bees and is called “Fly High to get Stars”. The children will be given little stars on their big star if their bee flies up. The higher their bee fly the more stars they’ll get. In order for their bee to fly high they have to be seen doing the “right thing” For example, following directions correctly, listening carefully, finishing their work to the best of their ability, participating in class discussions/activities, lining up quietly and just generally behaving well .  Each time a child gets five little stars, he/she will get a chance to enter the treasure chest and choose a gift. When everyone gets ten stars, they will have a party of their choice. If a child’s behavior is inappropriate or he/she is not following directions, he/she will not be given a little star or have stars removed. NB. These stars are very important. Encourage your child to get as many as possible. Students with the highest number of stars at the end of the year will be rewarded.                                                                                                                                                                               Homework – Your child will be given homework when it is necessary for reinforcement and enrichment. Please ensure that this is done and return the following day. If home work is incomplete, not done or forgotten at home, one of their little stars will be removed. We would encourage you to check your child’s backpack daily for any communications from me or the office.     P.E. – First Grade P.E. days are Tuesdays and Thursdays.Library – Library days are Wednesdays and Fridays.