Topics/Objectives for Sept. 12-16, 2011.

Math: Use concrete and pictorial models to compare numbers.           Identify greater(>), less than(<) and equal(=) signs.           Tell if nimbers are >,< or=.           Use concrete and pictorial models to order            whole numbers to 20.           Tell what is a number line.            Describe and order numbers to 20.           Chapter Test: Comparing numbers using (>, < & =)                              Order numbers. Reading: “Boots for Beth”                “Sam and the Bag” Spelling: More Short /a/ soundvan rag have and that back flat had has add am askChallenge Words: catch habit blank. Spelling test on Friday, 16th Sept. English: Recognize that sentences have an action part.               Identify action parts in sentences.               Recognize that a telling sentence is a group of words               that tells something.                Identify telling sentences.               Recognize that telling sentences begin with a                capital letter and end with a period.               Capitalize and punctuate telling sentences correctly.                Science: Distinguish between and compare living organism                and non-living objects.               Identify objects that are living and non-living.               Observe a living organism and compare it to a non-living object.       Social Studies: Identify the five districts of Grand Cayman.                           Discuss and identify the three (3) islands that                            make up the Cayman Islands. Bible: Adam and Eve.           Learn that Adam named all the animals.           Adam was put in the Garden of Eden to tend it.            God made Eve from Adam’s side. Memory Verse: All scripture is breathed out by God.                          2 Timothy 3:16a