Topics/Objectives for January 24-27, 2017

MATH:  Topic: Terra Nova Practice/ Adding 3-single Digit Numbers


ENGLISH: Terra Nova Practice


READING GROUPS: Eagles: “Reading Comprehension”

                                         Humming Birds: “Reading Comprehension”

                                         Ducklings: “Reading Comprehension”


SPELLING: No New Spelling Words.

                        Students will spell words that they have studied  

                       over the past four weeks.


SCIENCE: Topic: All About Animals

                                    How Does a butterfly Grow and Change?

                                    Observe and record changes in the life cycle of a butterfly.

                                    Identify the characteristics of a butterfly that allows its basic

                                    needs to be met.


SOCIAL STUDIES: Interesting Places in our Community Continues

                                        Students will identify interesting places that people

                                        visit in the Cayman Islands.


BIBLE: The Burning Bush Continues

                 Children will understand that God uses Moses to lead

                  the Israelites to the Promised Land.

                  God can use people with physical challenges.

MEMORY VERSE: Psalm 119:18 – Open my eyes that I may see wonderful things in your law.


Science Project

Insect Science Project

We have been studying Insects in science. We are studying different attributes insects have and environments they live in.

What makes an insect an insect? An insect must have two antennae, three body parts (head, thorax, and abdomen) and six legs.


Students are required to design, make or create a three dimensional representation of an insect using available materials.

Be ready to explain and share how you made your insect.

Students will be graded on how well they show their use of understanding of the insect and explaining it to the class, as well as their creativity.

Due: January 30th

Don’t forget to give your insect a name. Have fun and be creative!

Enjoy, relax and let your imagination flow.


  1. All body parts must connect to other body parts correctly. For instance, the antennae must connect to the head.

This model must be well-constructed and sturdy.

Insect model must include the following:

*3 distinguishable body parts labeled

*6 legs

*2 antennae

*2 or more eyes *Mouth parts

*Optional wings

Parents: The more the children do on their own, the more they will learn!

Objectives for Week of January 16 – 20, 2017

Math: Odd and Even Numbers

Students should be able to find patterns in numbers such as even and odd numbers.

Identify numbers that are even or odd.

Count back to subtract


Literacy/Language: Antonyms and Synonyms

Students should be able to tell what antonyms are.

Recognize antonyms in sentences.

Tell what synonyms are.

Recognize synonyms in sentences.



Students will identify words with /ch/ sound, identify/ed/  and /ing/ words

Group 1: handed     ended    thanked     asked     wished      fished     tricked   

                dressing   helping   picking    fishing    thinking  wishing   catching


Group 2: chip         chin    itch        inch         catch        match

                 watch       fetch   patch       check

                     Challenge Words: snatch           stitch       children


Science: Life Cycle of a Frog

Students will observe and record changes in the life cycle of a frog. 

Identify characteristics of a frog that allows its basic needs to be met.


Social Studies: Interesting Places in our Community.

Students will identify interesting places that people visit in the Cayman Islands.


Bible: Moses

Students will understand that God protects Moses.

 God calls Moses to serve.


Memory Verse: Jeremiah 17:14

Heal me Lord and I will be healed; save me and I will be saved, for you are the one I praise.





Objectives for Week of January 9 – 13, 2017


Student will identify animals that are insects and recognize parts of an insect.

Observe changes in the life cycle of mammals and birds.

Compare the ways young mammals and birds depend on their parents for their basic needs.


Social Studies

Students will define family.

Identify and describe the different types of families in the community. (eg. nuclear, extended, single parent  and sibling)



Students will use a number line to subtract.

Subtract using doubles.



Students will tell what contractions are.

Recognize contractions with “not”, “had”, “has”, “have”, “am” “would” , “will”, “is” , “are”, in sentences.

Read, write and spell contractions in sentences.



Students will identify words with long /a/ and /sh/ sound.

Students will recognize long /a/ sound can be spelled ai, /ei/, /ey/ as in pail, eight & they.



Students will recall ways dreams affected Joseph’s life.

Understand that Joseph acknowledged and honored God.

Understand that God used all of the bad things that happened to Joseph for a good thing.

Understand that even though life was hard for Joseph, God had a plan to protect and save his family.