Topics/Objectives For September 26-30, 2011

Math: Use counters to make sums of 4 to 12.           Write addition facts horizontally and vertically.           Chapter Test: Make sums of 4-12.         Write addition facts horizontally and vertically. Reading Groups: Honey-:”Where Do Frogs Come From”                              Nectar-:”Jack and Rick” Spelling: More short /e/ sound              desk send rest bell well egg help dress best               seven any manyChallenge Words: beggar tread memory Spelling test on Friday, 30th Sept. English: Recognize and use question words in sentences.               Demonstrate how to ask questions orally.Reteach: Distinguish between telling sentences and questions.               Correctly punctuate telling sentences and questions.                Assessment on above objectives.  Science: Observe and compare plants.                Identify the basic parts of plants and their functions. NB. Start collecting various types of seeds. Your next project        will be all about seeds.  Social Studies: Identify natural and man-made features                            in their community. Contd.Assessment on ‘My Community’ and ‘Natural and Man-made features.’ Bible: Noah         Learn that Noah was faithful to finish the job of building            the ark and was saved from the flood.           Noah cheerfully handled redicule from those around him.Memory Verse: God shows His love for us, in that while we                             were still sinners, Christ died for us.                            Romans 5:8NB. Parents, please ensure that your child studies the Memory verse.Remember there is a reward for the first student who knows the memory verse.