Topics/Objectives for October 10-14.

Math: Subrtaction.Use picture symbols minus (-) and equal (=) to write subtraction sentences.Use connecting cubes to subtract from 4, 5 and 6.

Use connecting cubes to subtract from 7, 8 and 9.
Use connecting cubes to subtract from 10, 11 and 12.

ASSESSMENT on above objectives.

 Reading Groups: Honey-:”Fun with Fish”                        Nectar-:”All That Corn” Spelling: Spell, hear and say words with /o/             Recognize that /o/ may be spelled o and a.Spelling Words: dot got job jog on hop hot top not block what wasChallenge Words: profit dodge bonnetSpelling test on Friday, 14th Oct. English: Recognize nouns among other words.               Recognize plural nouns ending in ‘s’.               Distinguish between singular and plural nouns.              Recognize proper or special nouns that name people.              Recognize proper or special nouns that name animals

              and places.
Science: Recognize how a seed grows into a plant.

             Recognize that plants need light, air, soil and water.NB. Start collecting various types of seeds. Your next project will be all about seeds. Social Studies: Discuss the different types of families in the community.                      Distinguish between pictures and maps. Bible: Abraham and Isaac          Learn about God’s promise.          Recognize that God established His covenant with Abraham           and Isaac.          Assessment on Abraham and Isaac.Memory Verse: Blessed be the God and Father of our  Lord Jesus Christ. Ephesians 1:3a.NB. Parents, please ensure that your child studies the Memory verse.Remember there is a reward for the first student who knows the memory verse.