Topics/Objectives for November 21-25.

Math: Read and write time to the half hour.          Tell time to the hour and half hour on digital          and analog clocks.           Relate time and event.           Assessment: Telling time to the hour and half hour. Reading Groups: Honey-: ‘On the Way to the Pond’                           Nectar-: ‘ Boots for Beth’ English: Listen to and discuss the characteristics of a well             writen personal narrative.             Listen to a student model of a personal narrative.             Choose and draw topic ideas for their own personal              narrative.             Write and share personal narrative. Spelling: Spell hear and say words with long /a/.Spelling Words: game gave name came bake brave whale                          ate say play stay baby today maybeChallenge Words: delay bacon fadeSpelling Test will be on Friday. Science: Identify different ways to group animals.               Recognize that animals can be sorted acording to              their characteristics and parts. Social Studies: Explain the importance of water.                        Define imports.                        Name countries where goods are                         imported from.  Bible: Jacob and EsauKnow that God wants us to pray for a good attitude and a willing heart.Test on Jacob and Esau.Memory Verse: As for you, you meant evil against me,                        but God meant it for good.                         Genesis 50: 20aNB. Parents, please ensure that your child studies the Memory verse.

Remember there is a reward for the first student who knows the memory verse.