Topics/objectives For January 9-13, 2012.

Math: Compare and order lengths of objects.          Estimate and Measure weight in pounds.          Compare and order weight of two or more objects.          Estimate and Measure capacity in cup and pint.          Compare and order capacities of two or more objects.

          Estimate and measure temperature on a thermometer.
 Reading Groups: Honey-: ‘The Fox and the Stork’

                               Nectar-: ‘Where Do Frogs Come From?’ English: Recognize action verbs in sentences.               Recognize that ‘s’ at the end of verbs                means that the subject is singular.Assessment: Action verbs, verbs with ed, is, are, was and were. Spelling: Students will hear, say and spell words with long /i/. Spelling Words: ride write bike side five nine white                           ice like mine eye find hide insideChallenge Words: behind climate advice Science: Identify and name the four stages of a butterfly.               Describe how a butterfly grows.               Identify and name the stages of a frog.               Describe how a frog grows. Social Studies: Compare Cayman then and now.Road Safety:    Identify and explain the meaning of                        at least eight road signs. Bible: Jacob and Esau. Play Practice.Memory Verse: We have seen His glory, the glory of the                            one and only Son, who came from the Father.                           John 1:14bNB. Parents, please ensure that your child studies the Memory verse.

Remember there is a reward for the first student who knows the memory verse.