Topics/Objectives for September 10-14, 2012

Math: Use concrete and pictorial models to order whole numbers to 100.            Tell what a number line is.            Describe the order of numbers.            Use concrete and pictorial models to compare numbers to 20.            Identify greater than(>), less than(<) and equal(=) signs.            Tell if numbers are greater than, less than or equal.Chapter Test: Order and compare numbers.English: Identify the action parts in sentences.               Recognize that a telling sentence is a group of words that tell something.               Identify telling sentences.               Recognize that a telling sentence begins with a capital letter and ends with a period.               Capitalize and punctuate telling sentences correctly.               Recognize that a question is a group of words that asks something.               Identify questions.               Recognize that questions begin with a capital letter and end with a question mark.               Capitalize and punctuate questions. Spelling : Students will hear, say and spell words with the short /a/ sound.Spelling Words: back fast sang ask last land that catch thank have black matterChallenge Words: napkin craft cannon Science: Distinguish between and compare living organism and non-living objects.               Identify objects that are living and non-living.               Social Studies: Describe and define a community as a place where people live work and play. Name the district/communities that are in Grand Cayman. Bible: Learn that Adam named all the animals.           Adam was put in charge of the Garden of Eden to tend it.          Learn that God made Eve from Adam’s side.Memory Verse: You are worthy, our Lord and God, to receive glory and honor and power.                            Revelations 4:11aNB. Parents, please ensure that your child studies the Memory verse.

Remember there is a reward for the first student who knows the memory verse.