Math: Use counters to show addition stories.           Explore concepts of part-part and whole.           Add by joining two groups.           Write addition sentences using + and =.           Explore finding sum by adding zero (0).Chapter Test: Part-part-total; Writing addition sentences using + & = and Finding the sum. English: Recognize that questions begin with a capital letter and end with a question mark.               Capitalize and punctuate telling sentences correctly.               Recognize and use question words in sentences.               Demonstrate how to ask questions orally.               Distinguish between telling sentences and questions.               Punctuate telling sentences and questions.Unit 1 Assessment: The Sentence. Spelling : Students will hear, say and spell words with the short /e/ sound.Spelling Words: bed jet yes ten end went kept next shelf when says saidChallenge Words: melon pedal method Science: Assessment: Senses & Living organism and non-living objects.                Observe and compare plants.Social Studies: Discuss and identify the three (3) islands that make up the Cayman Islands.                           Identify the five (5) districts of Grand Cayman. Bible: The First Family.           Study Adam’s family and see how they work together.           Learn to follow God’s ways than our own.Memory Verse: “Love the Lord your God with all your heart and with all your soul and with all your mind”                             Matthew 22:37NB. Parents, please ensure that your child studies the Memory verse.

Remember there is a reward for the first student who knows the memory verse.