Topic/Objectives For October 22&23, 2012

Math: Topic: Vertical Subtraction            Write subtraction facts in horizontal and vertical form.            Subtract numbers up to 12.Problem Solving: Choose the best strategy to solve a problem.Assessment: Addition and subtraction. English: Pronouns: Review Pronouns he, she, it, they, I, you, we, him, them and us as words that take the place                                 of nouns in sentences.                                Review Synonyms, and Nouns.Assessment: Unit Test Reading: Groups: Apple Pie:- Reading Comprehension                               Apple Sauce:- Reading Comprehension                              Apple Juice:- Reading Comprehension Spelling : Students will do spelling activities in class.Spelling Words: Sonic & Mario: NO NEW SPELLING WORDS.Challenge Words:  Science: Review Plants for test on Tuesday.Social Studies: Use a compass rose to tell directions of places.Distinguish between pictures and maps.Describe a picture and a map of a community. Bible: Abraham Trusted God.Students will learn that Abraham trusted God.Each time they trust God, it will become easier to trust him the next time.Tell the difference between trusting God and obeying God.Compare ways that Noah and Abraham trusted and obeyed God.Memory Verse: “The Lord does whatever pleases Him, in the heavens and on the earth”                             Psalm 135:6aNB. Parents, please ensure that your child studies the Memory verse.

Remember there is a reward for the first student who knows the memory verse.