Topics/ Objectives For November 5-9, 2012

Math: Topic: Subtraction                     Count back 1, 2 or 3 to subtract                     Use a number line to subtract.                     Use doubles facts to subtract.                      Problem Solving: Choose the best strategy to solve a problem.Assessment: Subtraction  English: Verbs                Tell what verbs are.                Identify action verbs in sentences.                Write action verbs.                 Identify action verbs among other words.                 Nouns and Verbs; Pronouns and Verbs                 Recognize that ‘s’ at the end of a verb means that the subtract is singular.Assessment: Verbs, Nouns and Verbs & Pronouns and Verbs. Reading: Groups: Apple Pie:- “The Fox and the Stork”                              Apple Sauce:-“Fun with Fish”                              Apple Juice:- “Space Pup”  Spelling : Students will say and spell words with the short /u/ sound.Spelling Words: Sonic: skunk must much lunch such just truck fun                                   jump one love other brother motherChallenge Words: insult blush adjust                       Mario: cut mud sun up bus run but bug us club mug rug Challenge Words: from under summer  Science: How Do Animals Need Plants?Identify ways animals need plants for their basic needs.Recognize that animals need food, water, shelter and air to survive.Identify characteristics of living organisms that allow their basic needs to be met.Social Studies: Locate places on map a map of Kendra’s community.                           Use directions to show East, West, North and South.                           Identify interesting places people visit in Grand Cayman. Bible: Jacob and Esau          Students will understand that it is wrong to deceitful.          Understand the importance of reconciliation (forgiveness). Memory Verse: “God created man in His own image, in the image of God He created them.”                              Genesis 1: 27aNB. Parents, please ensure that your child studies the Memory verse.

Remember there is a reward for the first student who knows the memory verse