Topics/Objectives For November 19-23, 2012.

Math: Topic: Measurement [Time on the Hour and Half Hour]            Put events in order 1, 2 and 3.            Recognize time to the hour and half hour.            Read and write time to the hour and half hour.            Define hour as a unit of time.            Draw hands on clock to show time on the hour and half hour.            English: Assessment: Verbs               Define Homographs.               Recognize homographs in sentences.               Assessment: Homographs. Reading: Groups: Apple Pie, Apple Sauce & Apple Juice:- Reading Comprehension Spelling : Students will say and spell words with the long /a/ sound.Spelling Words: Sonic & Mario: nail rain gain train chain tail paint pail snail                                               sail wait mail eight they Science:  Identify different ways to group animals.                 Recognize that animals can be sorted according to their characteristics and parts.Social Studies: Identify interesting places people visit in Grand Cayman. Bible: Jacob and Esau          Students will know that God promised to protect and be with Jacob where ever he went.           Jacob knew about God but until his unusual dream, he did not really know God.        Memory Verse: “God saw all that he had made and it was good. And there was evening and morning,                              the sixth day”                             Genesis 1: 31NB. Parents, please ensure that your child studies the Memory verse.

Remember there is a reward for the first student who knows the memory verse