Topics/Objectives For February 18-22, 2013


                Identify and describe a penny, a nickel and a dime.

                Find the value of a group of pennies, nickels and dimes.

                Count coins to find their total value.

                Identify different combinations of coins that equal the same value.


English: Topic: Writing Correct Sentences.

                                      Recognize capital letters at the beginning of sentences.

                                      Recognize end of sentence punctuation marks.

                                      Recognize capital letters at the beginning of sentences.

                                      Recognize a sentence that is an exclamation.

                                      Recognize the exclamation point as the end

                                      punctuation of a sentence that is an exclamation

                                      Recognize that titles for people begin with capital letters.

                                      Recognize correct punctuation of titles.

                                      Use capital letters and punctuation in proper nouns

                                       and titles.

                                      Use capital letters to write  book titles.

                                      Use capital letters to write days of the week.


Reading: Groups: Apple Pie, Sauce & Juice: Reading Comprehension           

Spelling : Students will say and spell words with the long/o/ sound.

Spelling Words: Sonic & Mario: rope home nose hope stone   

                                       hole  joke yellow grow know snow so go no

Challenge Words: hopeful bony explode 

 Science: How Do Animals Need Plants?

                      Identify ways animals depend on plants for their basic needs.

                      Identify animal’s characteristics that allow their basic needs to be


Social Studies: Test on Imported Goods, Our Changing Community &

                                    Road Safety.

                                    Important Buildings.

Bible: Test on Moses

               The ten commandments.

                God meets physical needs.

Memory Verse: I will give you a new heart and put a new spirit in you.

                                     Ezekiel 36:26

NB. Parents, please ensure that your child studies the Memory verse.Remember there is a reward for the first student who knows the memory verse.