Topic/Objectives For March 4-8, 2013.

Math:Topic:Tens & Ones

                          Assessment: Money of tens of tens  

                         Create sets of tens and use concrete objects to describe whole numbers.

                         Create sets of tens and ones using sets of concrete objects.

                         Test: Tens & Ones


English: Topic: Writing Correct Sentences.

                                 Recognize capital letters at the beginning of each word in the name of a    


                                Use capital letters to write the name for holidays.

                               Recognizesd that a comma is used between the number of the day and year

                               in a date.

                               Use a comma correctly in dates. 

                               Recognizesd that a comma is used between the city and the state in an    


                               Use comma correctly in addresses.


Reading: Groups: Apple Pie, Sauce & Juice: Reading Comprehension             


Spelling : Students will say and spell words

Spelling Words: Sonic & Mario: Words in Review        


Science: How Do People Need Plants and Animals?

                  Give examples of ways people depend on animals and plants to meet their basic   


                 Sort plants and animals products according to whether they come from plants or



Social Studies: Important Buildings.

                               Explain why the church is important in the community.

                               Explain why the school is important in the community.


Bible: Joshua and Caleb

             Understand that Joshua and Caleb faithfully serve the Lord as spies.

            Joshua lead the Israelites in the battle of Jerico.

           Understand the importance of trusting God with heart, soul mind and strength.

Memory Verse: For if there had been nothing wrong with that first covenant,    

                                no place would have been sought for another. Hebrews 8:7a

NB. Parents, please ensure that your child studies the Memory verse.Remember there is a reward for the first student who knows the memory verse.