Topic/Objective For April 29-May 3, 2013

Math: Topic: More Fractions

                            Use fraction to describe parts fo a set.

Assessment: Fractions

                           Terra Nova Practice


English: Review unit nine: Capitalization and punctuation.

                  Terra Nova Practice


Reading: Groups; Apple Pie, Sauce and Juice: Reading Comprehension.


Spelling: Review Words


Science:Topic:The Ocean

                              Tell what an ocean is.

                              Recognize that plants and animals that live in the ocean find what they need to


                              Give examples of  plants and animals that live in the ocean.

                              Identify the features that plants and animals have to help them live in the  



Social Social: Topic: The Museum

                             Tell what a museum is.

                              List things found in a museum.

                              Tell why the museum is important.

Assessment: The Museum


 Bible: Topic: Ruth

Focus: Ruth is loyal                                         Ruth is a loving servant

             Serving Others                                    Pleasing God

             Understand that Ruth was devoted to God and loyal to Naomi.

             Understand that God honors Ruth’s faithfulness to Naomi.

             Tell what Ruth sacrificed for Naomi.

Memory Verse: “I am the Lord who brought you up out of Egypt to be your God.”

                                  Leviticus 11:45

NB. Parents, please ensure that your child studies the Memory verse.Remember

there is a reward for the first student who knows the memory verse.