Topic/Objectives For September 30-October 4, 2013


MATH: Explore adding horizontally and vertically.

                Model subtraction stories using counters.

                Write number sentences.

                Subtract zero/find the difference of zero.

                Model subtraction to show how many are left.

                Problem solving 


ENGLISH:  Distinguish between telling sentences and questions.

                         Identify and use question words in sentences.

                        Demonstrate asking questions orally.

                        Identify question words in sentences.

                        Chapter and unit assessment                      


READING GROUPS: Honey Bees: ‘Tomas Rivera?’

                                            Worker Bees: ‘Try Your Best?’

                                            Bumble Bees: ‘Todd’s Box’


SPELLING WORDS: HONEY: desk send rest bell well egg help dress best seven any many

                                               Challenge Words: beggar tread memory

                                               NECTAR: dot got job jog on hop hot top not block rock was

                                              Challenge Words: profit adopt want


SCIENCE: Topic: Plants

                                   Identify plant parts

                                  Describe the functions of each part

Assessment: Plant parts and functions


SOCIAL STUDIES: Topic: Natural and Man-made Features in the Community 

                                                    Identify natural and man-made features in their community.

 Assessment: Identify natural and man-made features.


BIBLE: Topic: The Story of Noah

                                 Dramatize the story of Noah.

                                 Learn that Noah was faithful to finish the job of building the ark and was saves from the flood

  MENORY VERSE: “Now I know that there is no God in all the world, except in Israel. 2 Kings 5: 15


NB. Parents, please ensure that your child studies the Memory verse. Remember

there is a reward for the first students who know the memory verse.