Topics/Objectives For October 28-November 1, 2013


MATH: Add in Any Order

                 Identify related facts with sums to 12.

                Count on from the greater number to find the sum.

                Add using a number line.

                Add using doubles.

               Math Problem solving 


ENGLISH: Nouns (Test on Nouns and Plural Nouns)

         Topic:   Special Nouns

                        Recognize proper nouns that name people, animals and places.

                        Identify proper nouns in sentences.

                        Use I when talking about self and another person.


READING GROUPS: Honey Bees: ‘Friends Forever’

                                         Worker Bees: ‘I am a butterfly’

                                         Bumble Bees: ‘Dan’s Pet’


SPELLING WORDS: HONEY: cats hands vans bells jets jobs backs desks ships eggs dresses men

                                            Challenge Words: ducklings batches recesses

                                            NECTAR: then them this that path with thin moth men set was said

                                            Challenge Words: thanked thinking mouth


SCIENCE: Topic: Plants: What Do Plants Need To Live?

                                   Explain how a plant grows.

                      Test: All About Plants           


SOCIAL STUDIES: Review Families in our Community

                                        Identify and describe the different types of families in the community. (Eg. Nuclear,

                                       Extended, Single Parent & Sibling)

                                      Test: The Family


BIBLE: Topic: Abraham and Isaac 

                             Students will understand that like Abraham and Isaac and their Heavenly Father and Jesus Christ,

                             obedience requires sacrifice.

                             Unlike the sacrifice of old, today we sacrifice our time and means by giving up something

                             to help someone else.

                             Describe ways they can sacrifice to  help others.


MEMORY VERSEIf I found favor with you, oh king, and if it pleases your majesty, grant me my life”

                                          Esther 7:3a

NB. Parents, please ensure that your child studies the Memory verse. Remember

there is a reward for the first students who know the memory verse.