Topics/Objectives For January 6-10, 2014


MATH:  Review picture graphs and tally charts

                 Make and read bar graphs 

                 Assessment: Bar Graphs


ENGLISH: Review nouns and pronouns

                       Tell what synonyms

                       Identify synonyms in sentences.

                       Define verbs

                       Identify action verbs in sentences and among other words


READING GROUPS: Honey Bees: “A Bed Full of Cats”

                                         Worker Bees: “Tomas Rivera”

                                         Bumble Bees: “Space Pup”


SPELLING: Honey: Adding ‘ed’ and ‘ing’

                                          handed ended thanked asked wished fished tricked catching dressing helping

                                          picking fishing thinking wishing

                        Nectar: ‘Sh’ Words

                                          ship dash shop shot dish wish share flash brush sheep

Challenge Words: shower shelter share


SCIENCE: Topic: All About Animals

                                  Identify  insects and make model of an insect.

                                    Observe changes in the life cycle of mammals and birds.

                                    Compare ways young mammals and birds depend on their parents for their needs.


SOCIAL STUDIES: Topic: Interested Places in the Cayman Islands

                                         Identify and list interesting places that people visit in the Cayman Islands.

                                         Identify interesting places in each district.


BIBLE: Topic: Joseph and His Brothers

                               Understand that God turns bad experiences in Joseph’s life to good.

                               Understand that it is wise to flee evil.

                                Even though Joseph was in prison, God was with him.


MEMORY VERSE: “Let the wicked forsake his ways and the evil man his thoughts.”

                                       Isaiah 55:7  


NB. Parents, please ensure that your child studies the Memory verse. Remember

there is a reward for the first students who know the memory verse.