Topics/objectives For October 20-24, 2014


MATH:  Time Continues

                 Read and write time on the hour and half hour.

                 Draw hands on clock to show time on the hour and half hour.

                 Problem Solving


ENGLISH: Nouns Continue

                        Identify nouns among other words.

                        Identify plural nouns ending in ‘s’.

                        Distinguish between singular and plural nouns.

                        Identify and write proper nouns that name people, animals and places.

Test after midterm break


READING GROUPS: Golden Delicious: “Reading Comprehension”

                                            Red Delicious: “Reading Comprehension”

                                            Green Delicious: “Reading Comprehension”


SPELLING WORDS: Golden: rock ox drop shop chop box pond stop clock want wash spot

                                            Challenge Words: profit dodge bonnet

                                            Green: hen neck vest end send set bell tent web desk net very

                                            Challenge Words: seven dress every


SCIENCE: Topic: More about Plants

                       Describe how plants grow.

                       Recognize that seeds grow into plants.

                       List things that plants need to grow.

                      Examine their plant that has grown.

Test after midterm break.


SOCIAL STUDIES: Countries Around The World (Preparation for International Night)

                                        Main Focus: Belize.

                                        Student and teacher will study the Belizean population, culture, dress, food, religion etc.


 BIBLE:  Topic: Abraham Demonstrates his Trust

                                 Students will understand that Abraham trusted God.

                                Each time they trust God, it will become easier to trust Him the next time.


Memory Verse: “Be on your guard, stand firm in the faith; be men of courage, be strong. 

                                   Do everything in love.”  1 Corinthians 16:13-14

NB. Parents, please ensure that your child studies the Memory verse. Remember

there is a reward for the first students who know the memory verse.