Topics/Objectives for Nov. 2-6, 2015

MATH: Topic: Vertical and Horizontal Addition

                               Students will explore adding horizontally and vertically. 

                               Model subtraction stories using counters and show how many are left.

                               Write number sentences.

                               Subtract zero or find a difference of zero.

                              Demonstrate subtracting from 4, 5 and 6 using connecting cubes.


ENGLISH: Topic: Personal Narrative & Synonyms

                                     Children will listen to a personal narrative.

                                    Discuss characteristics of a well written personal narrative.

                                    Write a personal narrative.

                                    Tell what synonyms are.

                                    Recognize synonyms in sentences.


READING GROUPS: Group 1: “Reading Comprehension”

                                            Group 2: “Reading Comprehension”

                                            Group 3: “Reading Comprehension”


SPELLING WORDS:Group 1: hands vans cats bells jets jobs backs desks ships

                                                          eggs dresses men

                                         Challenge Words: ducklings batches recesses

Group 2: hen  neck   vest end   send   set bell    tent   web desk  

                                                          net   very

                                      Challenge Words: seven   dress   every


SCIENCE: Topic: Different Kinds of Animals   

                                      Children will identify characteritics of living

                                      organisms that allow their basic needs to be met.      

                                     Identify different ways to group animals.


SOCIAL STUDIES: Our Family continues

                                         Review the definition for family.

                                        Discuss families in the community.

                                        Identify the four main types of families.

                                        Assessment: Our Family


BIBLE:  Topic: Jacob and Esau/Jacob Unusual Dream

                               Children will understand that it is wrong to be deceitful.

                              Understand that God promised to protect and be with Jacob

                              wherever he went.

                              Jacob knew about God but until his unusual dream, he did not 

                              really know God.


Memory Verse: “Aim for perfection, listen to my appeal, be of one mind, live in peace.  

                                   And the God of love and peace will be with you. 2 Corinthians 13:11

NB. Parents, please ensure that your child studies the Memory verse. Remember

there is a reward for the first students who know the memory verse.