Topics/Objectives for November 10-13, 2015

MATH: Subtraction

               Show different ways to subtract from 7, 8, 9, 10, 11 & 12.

               Subtract horizontally and vertically. 

               Test: Subtraction


 ENGLISH: Synomyms/Verbs

                        Students should be able to tell what synonyms are.

                       Recognize synonyms in sentences

                      Tell what verbs are.

                      Identify action verbs among other words.

                     Identify verbs that tell about nouns that name one or more than one.

                    Recognize that s at the end of a verb means that the subject is singular.


READING : Group 1: “Friends Forever”

                       Group 2: “Dan’s Pet

                      Group 3 “All That Corn”


SPELLING: Groups 1& 2: Review Words


SCIENCE: All About Animals

                     Sort animals according to their characteristics and parts.


SOCIAL STUDIES: Topic: Interesting Places In Cayman

                                        Identify interesting places that people visit in the Cayman Islands.

                                        Identify and list interesting places that people visit in each district.


BIBLE: Topic:  Jacob and Esau Continues.

                               Students will understand the importance of

                               reconciliation. (forgiveness)                

                              Understand that when we have done something wrong                  

                              our hearts feel sad until we ask forgiveness.


MEMORY VERSE: “So that being justified by his grace we

                                            might become heirs according to the

                                            hope of eternal life.” Titus 3:7