Topics/Objectives for November 16-20, 2015

MATH: Topic: Add in any order

                Identify related addition facts with sums to 12.

               Count on from the greater number to find the sum.

               Find patterns in numbers such as even and odd.

               Identify numbers that are even or odd.

               Determine the difference between even and odd numbers. 



                      Tell what verbs are.

                      Identify action verbs among other words.

                     Identify verbs that tell about nouns that

                    name one or more than one.

                    Recognize that s at the end of a verb

                   means that the subject is singular.


READING : Group 1″ The Fox and the Stork”

                       Group 2: “Dan’s Pet

                      Group 3 “All That Corn”


SPELLING: Groups 1: skunk       must        much

                                    lunch         such         just    truck

                                   summer        jump   under     love

                                   other     brother        mother

 Challenge Words: insult        blush       adjust

                       Group 2: then      them   this    that   path

                                            with  thin moth    think   three

Challenge Words: thanked       thumb        mouth


SCIENCE: All About Animals

                     Identify animals that are insects.

                     Recognize parts of an insect.


SOCIAL STUDIES: Topic: Sports Played in our Community

                             Review interesting places in the Cayman Islands.

                            Name the different sport played in their community.


BIBLE: Review:  Jacob and Esau



MEMORY VERSE: But he was wounded for our transgressions, he was crushed for our iniquities, upon him was the chastisement that brought us peace, and with his stripes we are healed.”   Isaiah 53:5

First grade will learn the orange portion.