Topics/Objectives For November 23-27,2015

MATH: Topic: Add in any order

                Determine the difference between even and odd numbers.                

                Add using a Number Line.

                Add using doubles facts.

                Identify and use doubles plus 1 facts to add.



                    Recognize when to add “ed” to a verb.

                    Identify verbs that tell about the past.

                    Recognize and use linking verbs is/ are, was/were.

Assessment: Verbs, Nouns and Verbs, Pronouns and Verbs.



READING : Group 1″A Bed Full of Cats”

                       Group 2: “Space Pup”

                      Group 3 “Dan’s Pet”


SPELLING: Group 1: game   gave   name   came   bake   brave

                                             whale   ate   say   play   stay   baby  today  maybe

 Challenge Words:  delay        bacon         fade


 Group 2:  cut      mud      sun   up   bus    run  but      bug        

                      us       club   under    must   of      from     jump

Challenge Words: summer        lunch        buckle


SCIENCE: All About Animals

                     How Do Animals Grow?

                     Discuss the changes in the life cycle of mammals and birds.

                     Identify characteristics of a butterfly.


SOCIAL STUDIES: Topic: Sports Played in our Community

                             Review the different sport played in their community.

                             Assessment: Interesting Places in the Cayman Islands.                


BIBLE: Review: Joseph in Prison

                                   Assessment: Joseph in Prison                            

MEMORY VERSE: For all have sinned and fall short of the glory of God, 24 and all are justified
freely by his grace through the redemption that came by Christ Jesus.  Romans 3: 23-24