Topics/Objectives for March 7-11, 2016


Compound Words: State what is a Compound word.

Identify Compound words among other words.

Writing a Friendly Letter:

Listen to a model of a friendly letter and learn about its parts.

Terra Nova English Practice


Tens and ones : Create sets of tens and ones using sets of concrete objects.

Assessment: Grouping Tens and Ones

Explore adding two-digit numbers without  regrouping.


Oceans: State what an ocean is.

Identify plants and animals that live in the ocean.

Social Studies

Our Museum: Tell what a museum is.

List at least four things found in a museum.

Write reasons why we visit museum.

School Rules review


Ruth: Ruth was devoted to God and loyal to Naomi.

Assessment: Ruth 

Reading/ Spelling

Reading Week  five stories : “Little Red Riding Hood, Goldilocks and the Three Bears, The Three Little Pigs, The Gingerbread Man and Jack and the Beanstalk”

Group 1 Spelling: quiz  long /0/ coat, comb, loaf, over, cocoa, hold, toast, gold, boat, almost, hello, road, solo, both

Challenge Words: coax, patrol, explode

Group 2 Spelling: quiz: middle, fiddle, puddle, waddle, cuddle, wiggle, giggle, jiggle, riddle, needle, 

Challenge Words: struggle, chuckle, candle

Memory Verse: “Faithful are the wounds of a Friend” Proverbs 27:6