Topics/Objectives for Sepember 19-23, 2016

MATH: Chapter Test: Addition Stories 

                       Modeling Addition (Part and total)

                       Addition sentences using + and =.

                      Explore finding sums by adding zero (0).

                     Order numbers from smallest to biggest and biggest to smallest.

                     Students should be able to identify greater than(>), less than(<) and equal signs(=).

                     Tell if numbers are >, < or =


ENGLISH: Revision: Sentences and Fragments

                    Naming Part and Action Part in a Sentence.

Assessment: Identify sentences and Fragments

                       Identify the naming and action part of sentences.

                       Identify telling sentences.

                       Recognize that a telling sentence is a group of words that tell something.

                      Recognize that a telling sentence begin with a capital letter and end with a period.

                     Capitalize and punctuate telling sentences correctly.


SPELLING: Words with short /e/

Group 1: bed  jet   yes         ten           end         went        kept        next         shelf       when       says        said

               Challenge words: melon       pedal     method

Group 2: hen  neck   vest end   send   set bell    tent   web desk   net   very

                 Challenge Words: seven   dress   every


READING GROUPS: Eagles: "Space Pup"

                                          Humming Birds: "Dan's Pet"



SCIENCE: Topic: Parts of a Seed

                                   Identify the basic parts of a seed.

Test: Senses and Living and Non-living Things 


SOCIAL STUDIES: Topic: Our Islands

                                        Discuss and identify the three (3) islands that make up the Cayman Islands.

                                        Oral Test: My Community


BIBLE: Topic: The First Family (Cain and Abel)

                 Oral Test: Adam and Eve/Cain and Abel

Memory Verse: “The man took Jesus at His word and departed.”

                                John 4:50

NB. Parents, please ensure that your child studies the Memory verses because they make up 40% of the bible grade. 

There is a reward for the first students who know the memory verse.