Topics/Objectives for Oct. 31 – Nov. 4, 2016


Topic: Tellng Time

             Students will read and write time to the half hour .

             Draw hands on the clock to show time on the half hour.

             Tell time to the hour and half hour

             Problem Solving(telling time)

Test: Time to the hour and half hour.



Grammar: Nouns/Naming Yourself Last.

                       Identify proper nouns that name people.

                       Use I correctly when talking about self and another person.

Test: Nouns: Names of animals, people, places and things.

                    Plural nouns

                     Special nouns of animals, people, and places.

                     Naming Yourself Last.



Group 1: rock  ox  drop  shop chop box pond stop clock want wash spot

 Challenge Words: lobster adopt  monster

Group 2: ball  call  all  fall  wall   tall small  talk    saw walk  draw  mall

Challenge Words: false    haul     faucet



GROUPS: Eagles;  “Tomas Rivera”

                    Humming Birds;  “Fun with Fish”

                    Ducklings;  “Boots for Beth”


SCIENCE: Topic:  All about plants (review)

Test:  To review and assess concepts and skills students have learnt so far.



Topic: Directions (continue)

             Students will find directions, of places east, west, north, south, NW, NE, SE,SW, using a Compass Rose.

Test: Directions



Topic: Obedience

Objectives: Children will realize that like Abraham and Isaac and

                        their Heavenly Father and Jesus Christ, obedience      

                       requires sacrifice.

Test: Abraham and Isaac

 Memory Verse: Luke 7: 9 – 10; “turning to the crowd following him, Jesus said, I tell you,

                                   I have not found such great faith even in Israel.” (NIV 1984)

N B: Parents, please ensure that your child studies the Memory verses because they make up 40% of the bible grade. 

There is reward for the first students who know the memory verse.

