Topic/Objectives For November 25-29,2013


MATH:Time Continues

              Read and write time on the hour and half hour.

Draw hands on the clock to show time on the hour and half hour.


ENGLISH: Pronouns

Define pronouns.

                       Recognize the pronouns he, she, it and they.

                       Recognize the pronouns we, us, them, me and I.

                       Replace nouns with pronouns in sentences.


READING GROUPS: Honey Bees: Reading Comprehension

                                         Worker Bees: Reading Comprehension

                                         Bumble Bees: Reading Comprehension


SPELLING: No New Spelling Words (We’ll do sight words in class)


SCIENCE: Topic: All About Animals

                                 Identify different ways to group animals( amphibians, mammals,

                                 fish, reptiles, birds and insects)

Sort animals according to their characteristics and parts.


SOCIAL STUDIES: Demonstrate finding directions of places using a compass rose.

                                      Distinguish between pictures and maps.

                                      Describe a picture and a map of a community.


BIBLE: Topic: Jacob and Esau

                           Understand that it is wrong to be deceitful.

                           Understand that God promised to protect and be with Jacob where ever he went.

                            Jacob knew about God but until his unusual dream, he did not really know God.


MEMORY VERSE: :” The fear of the Lord is the beginning of knowledge, but fools despise wisdom

                                          and discipline.” Proverbs 1:7

NB. Parents, please ensure that your child studies the Memory verse. Remember

there is a reward for the first students who know the memory verse.