Topics/objectives for October 3 – 7, 2016.

MATH: Students should be able to make sums of 8, 9, 10, 11 & 12

                 using connecting cubes.

                Math Art

                Assessment: Ways to make sums of 1 to 12


ENGLISH: Topic: Writing a Class Story

Students and teacher will discuss the steps in the

writing process.

List topics for a class story.

Select a topic to write about.

Write a class story.


SPELLING: Group 1: our        boys     you       her         girls      child      class               friend   

                                       brother  sister       family     children

Challenge words:      

  pupil        classmates         people           

Group 2:   pick     pack    tack      back   sack      sick    kick       trick

                  clock   truck  

Challenge Words:

they    walk   knock

READING GROUPS: Eagles: "Fun with Fish "

                                          Humming Birds: "Space Pup"

                                          Ducklings: "Todd's Box "


SCIENCE: Topic: Parts of a Plant

                                   Identify the basic parts of a plant.

                                   Label the parts of a Plant

                                   Describe the functions of each part.

                                   Observe plant growing from a seed.


 SOCIAL STUDIES: Topic: Natural and Man-made Features.

Students should be able to identify the natural and

man-made features in their community.


BIBLE: Topic: Noah Saves his Family (Continues).

                             Dramatize the story of Noah.

                            Conclude that Noah was faithful to finish the

                            job of building the ark and was saved from the flood.


Memory Verse: Jesus said, “I must proclaim the good news of the kingdom of God to the other towns also,

                                 because that is why I was sent.”

NB. Parents, please ensure that your child studies the Memory verses because they make up 40% of the bible grade. 

There is a reward for the first students who know the memory verse

