Topic/ Objectives for November 7 – 11, 2016

ENGLISH /Grammar:

 Naming Yourself Last Continues



Use “I” correctly when talking about self and another person.

Identify the pronouns he, she, it, they

Replace nouns with pronouns in sentences.



Topic: Vertical and Horizontal Addition

             Model subtraction stories



Group 1: cats   hands   vans  bells        jets        jobs backs     desks      ships       eggs       

                   dresses      men

Challenge Words: ducklings              batches             recesses

 Group 2: then  them  this  that  path with    thin  moth

                     think    three

Challenge Words: thanked       thumb        mouth


READING: Comprehension

GROUPS: Eagles, Humming Birds & Ducklings  

Objectives:  Predict the story.

                         Read and discuss vocabulary words.

                        Identify and decode unfamiliar words.

                       Use vocabulary words to make sentences. (Words may vary according to group/individual needs)



Topic: All About Animals (How Do Animals Need Plants?)

            What Do Animals Need?

Objectives: Children will identify ways animals depend on plants for their basic needs.

                     Recognize that animals need food, water, shelter and air to survive.

                    Identify characteristics of living organisms that allow their basic needs to be met.



Topic: Pictures and Maps

Objectives: Students will distinguish between pictures and maps.

                     Describe a picture and a map of a community.



Topic: Jacob and Esau

              Jacob Unusual Dream

Objective: Children will understand that it is wrong to be deceitful.

                   Understand that God promised to protectand be with Jacob

                   wherever he went.

                 Understand that Jacob knew about God but until his unusual dream, he did not

                 really know God.


Memory Verse: Luke 5:24 “But I want you to know that the Son of Man has authority on

                                  earth to forgive sins.” (NIV 2011)

N B: Parents, please ensure that your child studies the Memory verses because

they make up 40% of the bible grade. There is reward for the first students who

know the memory verse.



Topics/Objectives for Oct. 31 – Nov. 4, 2016


Topic: Tellng Time

             Students will read and write time to the half hour .

             Draw hands on the clock to show time on the half hour.

             Tell time to the hour and half hour

             Problem Solving(telling time)

Test: Time to the hour and half hour.



Grammar: Nouns/Naming Yourself Last.

                       Identify proper nouns that name people.

                       Use I correctly when talking about self and another person.

Test: Nouns: Names of animals, people, places and things.

                    Plural nouns

                     Special nouns of animals, people, and places.

                     Naming Yourself Last.



Group 1: rock  ox  drop  shop chop box pond stop clock want wash spot

 Challenge Words: lobster adopt  monster

Group 2: ball  call  all  fall  wall   tall small  talk    saw walk  draw  mall

Challenge Words: false    haul     faucet



GROUPS: Eagles;  “Tomas Rivera”

                    Humming Birds;  “Fun with Fish”

                    Ducklings;  “Boots for Beth”


SCIENCE: Topic:  All about plants (review)

Test:  To review and assess concepts and skills students have learnt so far.



Topic: Directions (continue)

             Students will find directions, of places east, west, north, south, NW, NE, SE,SW, using a Compass Rose.

Test: Directions



Topic: Obedience

Objectives: Children will realize that like Abraham and Isaac and

                        their Heavenly Father and Jesus Christ, obedience      

                       requires sacrifice.

Test: Abraham and Isaac

 Memory Verse: Luke 7: 9 – 10; “turning to the crowd following him, Jesus said, I tell you,

                                   I have not found such great faith even in Israel.” (NIV 1984)

N B: Parents, please ensure that your child studies the Memory verses because they make up 40% of the bible grade. 

There is reward for the first students who know the memory verse.




Lesson Objectives for week October 17 – 21,2016


Topic: 1. Telling Time to the hour (continue).

Objective:  Students will read and write time to the hour.

                    Draw hands on the clock to show time on the hour.



Grammar:  1. Nouns of People and Animals (continue)

2. Things and Places

3. Plural nouns

Objective: Students will, define/tell what nouns are,

-identify nouns that name people and animals, places and things

– identify plural nouns ending with “s”

-distinguish between singular and plural nouns.



Group 1: fish, wish, spring, bring, with, swim, sister, ring, thing, think, live, give

Challenge  Words:  bitter, guilt, liberty

Group 2: dot, got, job, jog, shop, hop, hot, top, clock, block, rock, not

Challenge Words: profit, adopt, lobster



GROUPS: Eagles;  “Did You See Chip “

                    Humming Birds;  “Try Your Best “

                    Ducklings;  “Dan’s Pet “


SCIENCE: Topic:  All about plants (review)

Test:  To review and assess concepts and skills students have learnt so far.



Topic: Directions (continue)

 Objective: Students will find directions, of places east, west, north, south, NW, NE, SE,SW, using a Compass Rose.



Topic:  God tests Abraham

Objectives: Students should be able to differentiate between trusting God and obeying God.

                   -compare ways that Noah and Abraham trusted and obeyed God.

 Memory Verse: Luke 5: 15 – 16; “……crowds of people came to hear (Jesus) and to be healed of their sicknesses. But Jesus often withdrew to lonely places and prayed.” (NIV 1984)


N B: Parents, please ensure that your child studies the Memory verses because they make up 40% of the bible grade. 

There is reward for the first students who know the memory verse.




Topics/objectives for October 10 – 14, 2016.

MATH: Topic: 1. Certain or Impossible/True and False Statements.

                        Students will identify events as certain or impossible,

                        Identify Math statements as True or False

                 Topic: 2. Telling Time to the hour.

                       Students will read and write time to the hour,

                       draw hands on the clock to show time on the hour.


ENGLISH: Topic: Writing a Class Story – Growing a Seed.

Students and teacher will:

– use the steps learnt in the Writing Process (Prewriting, Drafting, Revisiting, Editing, Publishing) to write and publish a class story,

Grammar:  Nouns of People and Animals

students will,

-define/tell what nouns are,

-Identify nouns that name people and animals


SPELLING: Group 1: There  are no new spelling words this week.

Students will review all the Spelling words they missed in weeks 1 -5.     


READING GROUPS: Eagles: “I am a Butterfly “

                                          Humming Birds: “Where Do Frogs Come From “

                                          Ducklings: “All that Corn “


SCIENCE: Topic:  What Do Plants Need to Live?

                   Students will:

                     – list and describe the things that a plant needs to grow,

                  – explain how a plant grows

                   – examine their plant that has grown


SOCIAL STUDIES: Topic: Directions

                                 Students will find directions, east, west, north, south, NW, NE, SE,

                                  SW using a Compass Rose.


Topic: Abraham Demonstrates his Trust

Objective: Students will understand that Abraham trusted God.

                  Each time they trust God, it will become easier to trust Him the next time.

Test: Noah

 Memory Verse: Luke 5: 10 – 11; “Then Jesus said to Simon, ‘Don’t be afraid; from now on you will fish for people’. So they pulled their boats up on shore, left everything and followed him.” (NIV 2011)

N B: Parents, please ensure that your child studies the Memory verses because they make up 40% of the bible grade. 

There is reward for the first students who know the memory verse.





Topics/objectives for October 3 – 7, 2016.

MATH: Students should be able to make sums of 8, 9, 10, 11 & 12

                 using connecting cubes.

                Math Art

                Assessment: Ways to make sums of 1 to 12


ENGLISH: Topic: Writing a Class Story

Students and teacher will discuss the steps in the

writing process.

List topics for a class story.

Select a topic to write about.

Write a class story.


SPELLING: Group 1: our        boys     you       her         girls      child      class               friend   

                                       brother  sister       family     children

Challenge words:      

  pupil        classmates         people           

Group 2:   pick     pack    tack      back   sack      sick    kick       trick

                  clock   truck  

Challenge Words:

they    walk   knock

READING GROUPS: Eagles: "Fun with Fish "

                                          Humming Birds: "Space Pup"

                                          Ducklings: "Todd's Box "


SCIENCE: Topic: Parts of a Plant

                                   Identify the basic parts of a plant.

                                   Label the parts of a Plant

                                   Describe the functions of each part.

                                   Observe plant growing from a seed.


 SOCIAL STUDIES: Topic: Natural and Man-made Features.

Students should be able to identify the natural and

man-made features in their community.


BIBLE: Topic: Noah Saves his Family (Continues).

                             Dramatize the story of Noah.

                            Conclude that Noah was faithful to finish the

                            job of building the ark and was saved from the flood.


Memory Verse: Jesus said, “I must proclaim the good news of the kingdom of God to the other towns also,

                                 because that is why I was sent.”

NB. Parents, please ensure that your child studies the Memory verses because they make up 40% of the bible grade. 

There is a reward for the first students who know the memory verse




Topics/Objectives for September 26-30, 2016

MATH:Students should be able to identify greater than(>), less than(<) and equal signs(=).

                     Tell if numbers are >, < or =

                     Students should be able to make sums of 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9 & 10

                     using connecting cubes.


ENGLISH: Recognize that a question is a group of  words that asks something.

                       Identify questions.

                      Children will recognize and use question words in sentences.

                      Children will demonstrate how to ask questions  orally.

                      Recognize that a telling sentence is a group of words that tell something.

                      Recognize that a telling sentence begin with a capital letter and end with a period.

                     Capitalize and punctuate telling sentences correctly.


SPELLING: Words with short /e/

Group 1: desk  send  rest    bell  well    egg   help    dress   best   seven any  many

Challenge words: beggar       tread          memory

Group 2: Words with short /i/

                  will  big    ship    six    hid    pick  trick wind  his     this   hill    fill

Challenge Words

admit              blizzard             bitter


READING GROUPS: Eagles: "Where Do Frogs Come From"

                                          Humming Birds: "Boots for Beth"

                                          Ducklings:"Jack and Rick"


SCIENCE: Topic: Parts of a Seed

                                   Identify the basic parts of a seed.

                                   Review Parts of a Seed

                                   Label the parts of a seed.

                                   Plant seeds.


 SOCIAL STUDIES: Review: Our Islands and Communities.

                                         Students should know:

  1. What a community is.
  2. What can be found in a community.
  3. The three Cayman Islands.
  4. Tell how many districts are in Grand Cayman.
  5. Their street name and number.
  6. The name of their district.
  7. The largest and smallest Island.
  8. One community on Cayman Brac.
  9. That Cayman Brac and Little Cayman make up one  district.

      Oral Test: Our Islands and Communities.


BIBLE: Topic: Noah Saves his Family.

                             Dramatize the story of Noah.

                            Conclude that Noah was faithful to finish the

                            job of building the ark and was saved from the flood.


Memory Verse: “All the people were amazed and said to each other, “What words these are! With authority and power

                              He gives orders to evil spirts and they come out!” Luke 4: 36


NB. Parents, please ensure that your child studies the Memory verses because they make up 40% of the bible grade. 

There is a reward for the first students who know the memory verse.



Topics/Objectives for Sepember 19-23, 2016

MATH: Chapter Test: Addition Stories 

                       Modeling Addition (Part and total)

                       Addition sentences using + and =.

                      Explore finding sums by adding zero (0).

                     Order numbers from smallest to biggest and biggest to smallest.

                     Students should be able to identify greater than(>), less than(<) and equal signs(=).

                     Tell if numbers are >, < or =


ENGLISH: Revision: Sentences and Fragments

                    Naming Part and Action Part in a Sentence.

Assessment: Identify sentences and Fragments

                       Identify the naming and action part of sentences.

                       Identify telling sentences.

                       Recognize that a telling sentence is a group of words that tell something.

                      Recognize that a telling sentence begin with a capital letter and end with a period.

                     Capitalize and punctuate telling sentences correctly.


SPELLING: Words with short /e/

Group 1: bed  jet   yes         ten           end         went        kept        next         shelf       when       says        said

               Challenge words: melon       pedal     method

Group 2: hen  neck   vest end   send   set bell    tent   web desk   net   very

                 Challenge Words: seven   dress   every


READING GROUPS: Eagles: "Space Pup"

                                          Humming Birds: "Dan's Pet"



SCIENCE: Topic: Parts of a Seed

                                   Identify the basic parts of a seed.

Test: Senses and Living and Non-living Things 


SOCIAL STUDIES: Topic: Our Islands

                                        Discuss and identify the three (3) islands that make up the Cayman Islands.

                                        Oral Test: My Community


BIBLE: Topic: The First Family (Cain and Abel)

                 Oral Test: Adam and Eve/Cain and Abel

Memory Verse: “The man took Jesus at His word and departed.”

                                John 4:50

NB. Parents, please ensure that your child studies the Memory verses because they make up 40% of the bible grade. 

There is a reward for the first students who know the memory verse.



Topics/Objectives for September 12-16, 2016

MATH: Order whole numbers to 100.

                 Find parts for a given total.

                 Find total for given parts.

                Write addition number sentence

                Make sums of 7,8,9,10,11&12


 ENGLISH: Identify sentences from fragment sentences.
                      Identify the naming and action part of a sentence.
                      Identify telling sentences.
                      Capitalize and punctuate telling sentences.
SPELLING: Words with short /a/

Group 1 words: back   fast  sang  ask  last  land  that catch

                            thank have   black   matter                 

                 Challenge Words: napkin       craft       cannon

Group 2 words: van  had   bad  bag rag  and  after  has   flat   mat

                Challenge Words: apple    matter   hammer



                                          Humming Birds:



SCIENCE: Topics:Living and Non-living Things 

                                    Distinguish between and compare living organism and non-living


                                    Identify objects that are living and non-living.


SOCIAL STUDIES: Topic: Our Community

                                         Name the districts that are in the Cayman Islands.

                                         Identify the five districts that are in Grand Cayman.


BIBLE: Topic: The Life of Adam and Eve

                             Students will know that Adam named all the animals.

                             Adam was put in the garden of Eden to take care of it.

                             God made Eve from Adam’s side.

Memory Verse: “The man took Jesus at His word and departed.”

                                John 4:50

NB. Parents, please ensure that your child studies the Memory verses because they make up 40% of the bible grade. 

There is a reward for the first students who know the memory verse.



First Week in First Grade

Things Covered so Far.

MATH: Order whole numbers to 100.

                  Describe the order of numbers.

                  Compare numbers to 20.


 SCIENCE: Topics: Senses ( How our senses help us learn)

                                     Understand that their senses help them learn.                 


SOCIAL STUDIES: Topic: Our Community

                                        Describe and define a community as a place where people live, work

                                         and play.

                                        Tell the name of their community.


BIBLE: Topic: The Creation

God greated everything by His word.


First Day in First Grade Booklet

Star Reading




Flying into First Grade!

We are Birds of a Feather Learning Together.

Image result for welcome back to school

Welcome to First Baptist Christian School and the first grade family.

  A special welcome to our new students and parents. Trust you all had a terrific summer.

 We are very excited to be teaching your child this year and we are looking forward to a very successful year.

 Please feel free to view some of the fun and exciting things that we enjoyed last school year.

 Have A Blessed Day.

 First Grade Team