Objectives and Lesson Plans – November 28 – December 2, 2016

Pax:  For the next two weeks, we’ll be working on our book report for Pax, in the classroom. We’ll be creating a LapBook.

Students will:

– identify all the major characters in the book
– highlight vocabulary words with definitions and sentences
– summarize the beginning, middle, and end of the story
– rate the book on a 4 star basis
– write about their favorite part
– identify the conflict, setting and theme
– illustrate the main character
– provide a written description of the main character
– create a cover which identifies the book title, author, genre, and their name
– Illustrate their favorite character as part of the cover

Each template allows for creative coloring and illustrating, so that each lapbook is individualized!

English: – Recognize the different forms of the verb be.

– Form contractions using verbs and the word not.

– Form contractions using verbs and the word not.

Spelling: – Prepare for Spelling Test on Friday.

  1. assistant
  2. consultant
  3. coolant
  4. defendant
  5. radiant
  6. disinfectant
  7. ignorant
  8. absorbent
  9. confident
  10. different
  11. engineer
  12. activist
  13. cyclist
  14. motorist
  15. pianist
  16. typist
  17. comedian
  18. electrician
  19. librarian
  20. musician

Math: – Write and find the value of multiplication and division expressions.

– Choose the best strategy to solve a problem.

– Find and use rules to write multiplication and division equations.


NOTE: Chapter 5 Test on Monday.

Science: –  Describe how plants and animals have changed over time.

– Describe the causes of extinction.

NOTE – Chapter 3 Test on Thursday, December 8

Social Studies: – List 4 facts about Christmas in France.

– Describe events listed about a German Christmas.

Bible: – Study Bible verse for Friday. Parents, please encourage your child to study their Bible verse every week. These do impact their Bible grades.

– Apply the practice of thanksgiving through prayer and appreciating others.

– Describe what you have learned about prayers and thanksgiving.

“[the disciples] were terrified and asked each other, ‘Who is this? Even the word and waves obey him!'” Mark 4:41



ENGLISH: page 54

MATH: Reteach page 93 1-10


MATH: Homework Practice page 391-6

SPELLING: Spelling Workbook page 84


MATH: Reteach page 100

ENGLISH: page 58


MATH: Reteach page 91

SPELLING: Spelling Workbook page 86

Our Pax Wonderings…

In hopes of inspiring higher learning and deeper level thinking, we tried out something called Chalk Time today for reading.

One challenge to generating substantive questions and ideas is getting every student’s voice heard. There are lots of reasons for this, such as strong personalities dominating a conversation, a need for space to reflect, or nervousness with speaking in front of others. Chalk Talk is effective because, at its core, it’s an engaging conversation that happens in silence. All voices are honored.


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Eating Like a Bird

Last week, for Science, we discussed how birds’ beaks help them get and eat food. We thought about the pros and cons of having different sized and shaped beaks. Then, we investigated what tools help us to get and eat food.

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Objectives and Lesson Plans – November 21-25, 2016

Pax:  National Book Award Longlist * New York Times Bestseller

From bestselling and award-winning author Sara Pennypacker comes a beautifully wrought, utterly compelling novel about the powerful relationship between a boy and his fox. Pax is destined to become a classic, beloved for generations to come.

Pax and Peter have been inseparable ever since Peter rescued him as a kit. But one day, the unimaginable happens: Peter’s dad enlists in the military and makes him return the fox to the wild.

At his grandfather’s house, three hundred miles away from home, Peter knows he isn’t where he should be—with Pax. He strikes out on his own despite the encroaching war, spurred by love, loyalty, and grief, to be reunited with his fox.

Meanwhile Pax, steadfastly waiting for his boy, embarks on adventures and discoveries of his own…

Pax is a part of the Global Read Aloud (https://theglobalreadaloud.com/category/2016/). I’m very excited to read this with the class! Some of the concepts that we will be covering while reading are:

  • Read closely to determine what the text says explicitly and to make logical inferences from it; cite specific textual evidence when writing or speaking to support conclusions drawn from the text.
  • Determine central ideas or themes of a text and analyze their development; summarize the key supporting details and ideas

WE FINISHED! WOW! Please be sure to have your child give you the recap! We’ve had some really exciting chapters and the ended was really unexpected. Stay tuned for our Book Report Project. 🙂

English: – Form the past tense of verbs.

– Identify and write past tense verbs with helping verbs has, have, or had, with singular or plural subjects.

– Write past tense forms of irregular verbs.

Writing: Read a published model of a persuasive essay. Identify key points in creating a persuasive writing piece.

– Persuasive writing piece: Persuade Mrs. Suckoo to have a hotdog instead of a turkey for Thanksgiving.

Vocabulary: – Study and prepare for spelling/vocabulary test this Friday.

  1. Enraged              11. Whimpered
  2. Defiance             12. Hollow
  3. Yearning             13. Dangled
  4. Appeared            14. Menacing
  5. Skittish                15. Burrow
  6. Thrashed
  7. Gash
  8. Reemerged
  9. Extended
  10. Dangerous

Math: – Identify extra or missing information.

– Identify, describe and extend numeric and non-numeric patterns.

– Mid-Chapter Check

– Find and use rules to write addition and subtraction equations.

Science: – Make a model to infer how fossils are formed.

– Describe how plants and animals have changed over time.

– Describe the causes of extinction.

Social Studies: – Use text evidence to answer questions based on Australia’s Christmas.

– List facts about Christmas in Brazil.

Bible: – Study Bible verse for Friday. Parents, please encourage your child to study their Bible verse every week. These do impact their Bible grades.

– Identify descriptions for the categories of the books of the Bible.

– Express several purposes of the Bible.

Jesus said “Young man, I say to you, get up!’ The dead man sat up and began to talk, and Jesus gave him back to his mother.” Luke 7:14



ENGLISH: page 48

MATH: Homework Practice page 35 1-3, 5-8


MATH: Reteach page 89

ENGLISH: page 50


SPELLING: Work on Spelling Contract

ENGLISH: page 52


MATH: Reteach page 91

SPELLING: Spelling Contract

Objectives and Lesson Plans – November 7-11, 2016

Pax:  National Book Award Longlist * New York Times Bestseller

From bestselling and award-winning author Sara Pennypacker comes a beautifully wrought, utterly compelling novel about the powerful relationship between a boy and his fox. Pax is destined to become a classic, beloved for generations to come.

Pax and Peter have been inseparable ever since Peter rescued him as a kit. But one day, the unimaginable happens: Peter’s dad enlists in the military and makes him return the fox to the wild.

At his grandfather’s house, three hundred miles away from home, Peter knows he isn’t where he should be—with Pax. He strikes out on his own despite the encroaching war, spurred by love, loyalty, and grief, to be reunited with his fox.

Meanwhile Pax, steadfastly waiting for his boy, embarks on adventures and discoveries of his own…

Pax is a part of the Global Read Aloud (https://theglobalreadaloud.com/category/2016/). I’m very excited to read this with the class! Some of the concepts that we will be covering while reading are:

  • Read closely to determine what the text says explicitly and to make logical inferences from it; cite specific textual evidence when writing or speaking to support conclusions drawn from the text.
  • Determine central ideas or themes of a text and analyze their development; summarize the key supporting details and ideas

We will reading about 5 chapters per week. Be sure to ask your child what the highlight of each chapter was…or to summarize what we’ve covered for the week.

English: – Identify the main verb and the helping verb in a sentence.

– Identify and correctly use present, past, and future tense verbs.

– Rewrite sentences to make verb tenses consistent.

Vocabulary: – Study and prepare for spelling/vocabulary test this Friday.

  1. Familiar                            11. Pounced
  2. Commingled                    12. Grimy
  3. Whiskers                          13. Hoisted
  4. Edged                                14. Scarcely
  5. Winced                              15. Navigate
  6. Snout
  7. Wobbled
  8. Kindling
  9. Clenched
  10. Squawked

Math: – Find factors and multiples of whole numbers.

– Chapter 4 Study Guide and Review

– Chapter 4 Test on Wednesday

– Are You Ready for Chapter 5?

Science: – Choose the best tools for eating.

– Name the basic needs of living things.

– Explain how adaptations help living things meet their needs.

Social Studies: – Prepare for International Night – Italy

Please be sure to check your email for updates on our International Night preparations.

Bible: – Study Bible verse for Friday. Parents, please encourage your child to study their Bible verse every week. These do impact their Bible grades.

– Demonstrate the use of a Bible commentary.

– Study Psalm 139 and conclude that God is omnipresent.

“But I want you to know that the Son of Man has authority on earth to forgive sins.” So He said to the paralyzed man, “I tell you, get up, take your mat and go home.” Luke 5:24



ENGLISH: page 38

MATH: Reteach page 79


SPELLING: Spelling Contract

ENGLISH: page 40


READ: Read for at least 20 minutes

ENGLISH: page 42


SPELLING: Spelling Contract


I still remain impressed with everyone’s Heredity Tree Project. Everyone showed such creativity and were able to speak so clearly and confidently about their traits. Well done!

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We’ve Got Spiders!

Before the break, we made some really awesome character spiders. Each spider represents a character from Pax and each spider leg contains a character trait. These were a lot of fun to make.

Ask your child which character these chose to describe.

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